Devil’s fuck session

ISS Admin 2007-05-15 Comments

I am KARAN studying in class 12 in a school of Gurgaon, Haryana I am writing my experience hoping you people will like it please reply me at my email address at the end of the story and soon I would be starting a group on yahoo also which you people can also join. Ok here it goes. After studying in this school for more than 12 years I needed a change from this institution. This all started when I went for this change and believe me my wildest fantasy did come alive when I reached this school. This was a school of a middle class from every point of view it seemed cheap than my old school but my 10th class read it out loudly to me that I deserved this only. Well let’s get to the main topic for what m writing this story and you are spending your important time reading it.

It all started on the first day when I entered this school and found that I could only pursue commerce in here for which I readily agreed, in this school I only knew one person who was my 10th class tuition friend. But I was disappointed to know that he took to non med which left me alone. After the common assembly the principal came on the mic and announced that all the 11thies must join him in the hall where we were to be assigned our sections and classes, while getting ready to go there my eyes fell upon this girl (lemme describe her to u *names changed* Simran was a beautiful girl 5’3 in height with right kind of stats even at this age she must have been 30-24-29 her hair was highlighted and she was as white as cotton)just then while I was enjoying feasting my eyes on this babe a voice came from behind that said “Simran kapoor committed to an old student and pass out and claims to keep this relation till her marriage with her and she also makes out almost everyday with him”. When I turned back I saw this guy who was 5’6 almost equal to mine fair in complexion and with a small lil goatee on his face really made him look striking. Sometimes there are some ppl who u meet in your life ,by just looking at them makes u think that u would really get along well and this was that just what happened I smiled on his short informational comment and took the initiative to shake hands with him I said “Karan” and he replied with same enthusiasm to know me “ashu” soon we were introducing ourselves to each other .I found that he was one of the oldest students in this school and was just as cool as me he knew her very well and also the school and its ppl and its informal rules and all the hotrods in the school well.

When we reached the hall the section wise names of the students where being called out as only two sections were to be made I had high chances that Simran would join me as my name was called out I was given section C even ashu was there in mine section .Now my heart beat was rising as after the series of names in K it was soon L,M,O,P,Q,R and ultimately S and soon her name was also called in the c section which made me feel like now it was as easy to take her to bed as blowing a whistle but it was not . Ashu and I took the last bench and by god’s grace and my luck she sat just adjacent to mine in the other row. She had her friends (Girls) around her and was very chirpy and sweet in nature .Now the teacher entered, she introduced herself and tried to make the new students feel better. As in every new class she asked every one to stand up and tell her there names, interests, last school etc.

Well everything was going fine until I stood up to introduce myself I was a very confident person since my childhood but realizing that now I was in class 11th I wanted to project myself to project myself as a very sensitive person who had matured and hated to sound silly. I said “hello class my name is Karan sahni enjoyed internet chatting was a wizard in computers and was from GD goenka” while sitting down I looked at Simran and she passed a smile at me to which I instantly replied with a smile. As soon as I sat down I was thinking to my self that why did she smile at me. Did I say something stupid? Was I looking a dope? Or maybe she thought that I was lying bout my old school being goenka?? A series of thousands of questions hovered in my brain and I was soon sweating. OK now it was her turn to introduce herself and she stood up and said ”I’m Simran kapoor I have been in this school since it was started in 1989 and she enjoyed talking to her friends and was loved to walk to the shopping complex near her house with her friends in the evening”.

Now I look at ashu and I don’t know how but before I could say any thing to him he spoke up,” come to my place in the evening and I will take u to the complex” he also lived near the school just like her. And when the period got over this girl came towards me and said are u really from GD goenka? I said yes and she smiled and said do u know Lucky arora. I thought for a while and remembered he was the one who was rusticated from our school an year back due to indiscipline behavior but he was a good friend of mine. Well I answered her with a big yes? And she posed another question that what kind of a person is he? I said I know him very well and he is really a dude to which she started laughing and went back and told her whole friends lot bout my comment and they also started laughing .This made me damn curious to know what was the thing that made them laugh like that. Well one more time my new friend ashu came to the rescue and heroically rescued me from my brains most stupid and erotic answers , he said that lucky was also a student in our school and was almost absent everyday.

My next encounter with her took place in the canteen where again we passed a smile to each other and offered food well this time we were not alone it was all her friends , me and ashu . Who repeatedly made efforts to make me know more bout her. After the break my eyes went to her side and due to a small lil gap between her shirt buttons I could see her cleavage from the side. Well while I was staring at this maiden one of her friends saw me and shook her head which somewhat meant “stupid boys all are the same”. This incident was not new to her friends and her. In the eve it started raining and I took my car and started for Ashu’s place as his house was a bit far from mine so I started a bit early at around 6 (it was still day and was about to start darkening) as I reached his place we started roaming in the new area (I may call it the land of opportunity) that I had recently discovered. He showed me all the places i.e. All the houses of sexy and nice looking girls and the complex .we wandered in the complex and searched for Simran but she was no where to be seen there .Disappointed by the fact we started walking to my car and ashu said lets see her place maybe we can find her on the way. From almost a mile I could see two girls walking, both of them were in shorts Simran was one of them she really had milky legs and there were really very well waxed it seemed that hair had never grown on her legs but just when I was going to lower my window to say hi to her another car came and stopped that had black windows. And this babe said bye to her friends and jumped into the front seat of this car. The car headed towards my house and on the small unobstructed patch of a road was stopped and after closely examining this car from a distance we found that it was shaking. And we all know when a car shakes like that with a girl and a boy in it obviously means that they were making love to each other. Soon we left but the car was still there I dropped ashu at his place I was feeling a bit grouchy when he said “I told u that bro” and I said no problem pal anyways I was not serious in her case.

After coming home that night I realized that the devil inside me was making strange fantasies in my brain .All night long I couldn’t sleep due to this thought that I really wanted her badly. I committed adultery with her many times in my dreams and was jerkin thinking of her cute little pussy that she would have and how she would cry after my prick entered he and her expressions. Now days after days passed and everyday I would come to know bout her a new thing that would make her image more scandalous and glamorous in my mind. I came to no that she was really a horny girl and I found myself again finding tricks to blow her. I don’t know how but due to some misunderstandings our relationship of casual friendship broke off and she was soon not even ready to look at me talking to me was a far issue. Whatever is the reason every night I made love to her in my dreams? Once while going home in the dispersal she was coming out and I was going in she turned her face away from me and when I turned back she was again going in the class due to crowd she was pressed hard against my chest her breasts were rubbed against mine which she considered as purposefully done by me but whatever she thought me and my dick didn’t care it quickly jumped up and formed a bulge in my pants, while struggling to push me back her hands her hands got brushed against my semi hard erection , to which she smiled .

Months passed after this and the gap between her and me widened more and more and soon I also lost interest in her. Months passed and we were promoted to next class due to some complications our parents had to meet the principal where she and her mom me and my dad were there on the reception waiting for our call. When she looked at me I also looked towards her don’t know how but my eyes fell upon her boobs and she caught me staring at her boobs they seemed to have grown to 36 which made me really horny.

After the meeting she went off and eventually we never spoke for months again but now the difference was that I used to stare at her more often making her feel uncomfortable many times she made facial gestures that meant hey asshole what are you strain at but I couldn’t tell her what this devil was up to . Months passed and she was relaxed even though I used to keep strain at her, one fine day it was announced that on Saturdays the students who had complications would attend intensive study camp in the school on Saturdays. Again I stared at her in the same way but this time there was a different reaction she left with a smile and saying stupid horny guy. That night my cousin had to go to new York for which I had to go and see him off at the airport with my other cousin we entered the airport and left my cousin till the gate where he checked in and after we could see him no more we started walking to the parking my cousin suggested that maybe we should have a small drink at the airport bar to which I readily agreed and you know when a person drinks more than his capacity he automatically starts to erupt his problems and emotions. My cousin unexpectedly asked me bout my affairs to which I told him my complete story while we were going to reach our car I said to him “her name is Simran” and Walla just in front of me there she was coming towards me she was surprised and I was shocked but she didn’t pay attention to me and walked past me. I think she had came to drop her mom for a flight, after this I told him that she was the same girl while coming home we decided to go to a pub near our place when we reached there at bout 2am it was kind of full and rocking this pub was famous for its disc.

I danced with many unknown guys and girls and for a while there was time when there was no one except me on the floor and another guy who was enjoying dancing with me maybe he was also drunk. Soon we left this place and I saw Simran waiting in her car outside this pub she was waiting for some one I was really curious to know what she was doing there at 4:30 in the morning soon the same guy jumped in the car with her who was dancing with me in the disc. I followed there car and was led to there house next day in the school she passed me showing off her tits proudly they were pink in color and erect seeing which my prick jumped into action it seemed from her style of walking that she had rode a cock last night soon by the end of the day I came to know last night she a had a fight with boy friend that was the guy whom I met yesterday. I thought this was a gr8 time to fuck her as she needed a good fuck everyday that meant she was really desperate for sex. On Saturday I reached school early and again my luck worked she was also there and standing in the balcony I went and sat there she turned towards me not looking at me actually I realized she was not wearing any bra I touched my prick and I could sense it growing wild. Soon it was really visible and I had to stand up she looked at me and her expressions were oh my god such a long dick. I went to the washroom to shag myself but as soon as I closed my eyes I felt another hand on my dick I was shocked that Simran was sitting in front of me holding my dick in one hand and strain at me her expressions were ply fuck me I m really very desperate for sex her face showed as if a dog who hadn’t seen food since ages.

Without me saying anything I closed my eyes which sparked her off and she started giving me a blow job I had done it many times but this was new. Have you ever liked something and desired to have it really badly and after failing to get it again and again u realize its unattainable and suddenly u get it the happiness and satisfaction you get from this is the greatest but here m not talking bout something its bout someone. She was so good that I couldn’t stand a chance against her she made me climax in minutes. Her lips were so protruding as if she had been sucking on a cock instead of a nipple since she was born, her tongue was encircling the penises top which had grown to enormous size and was oozing cum badly, but one thing is worth considering that she drank every single drop of my cum and still looked really hungry after this she offered me oral sex with her but I denied instead I wanted a complete make out. She was jumping with joy before I could say anything she helped me put my pants back on , holding my hands and dragged me out of the washroom many students had came till then, she took her and mine bag and we bunked the school that day horridly we entered her house and this bitch was stripping herself from the door till her bed room I followed her to the room and when I entered her room she was not there but the washroom door was open , I followed her and there this beauty was dripping in the shower she asked me to join her we started off with a massage and shifted to the bedroom where first I finger fucked her for minutes the whole room was filled the voices from her pussy that was damn wet by now.

She was moaning very badly but was not cumin it took around 45 for me to make her cum after this I started licking her from top to bottom I started form her toes and gradually started to go up when I reached her boobs I found that they were as hard as back of a pencil with a rubber they were really cute looking on her boobs when I reached her ears I lightly bit her and she jumped with the pain now again it was my turn I took her off the bed and asked her to bend on the bed with her one knee on the floor and other on the bed this posture opened her stretched her pussy lips to the maximum and I observed that her clitoris was hanging out like that off a whore or a porn star this really made me mad and I started to lick her pussy she was shouting don’t stop plz continue. Her hair was dripping from her bath, her skin was waxed moreover her legs were long and thin just like a model would have any way the thought that she was on her knees and I was doing her sent shivers from my spine to the tip of my dick that made me more hornier she started to climax again (the 4th time) this time I was successful in making her cum profusely and earlier than before. Now all that she cared was my prick buried deep in her dripping and wet pussy. Even though she was out of energy and cum but she insisted me to start the penetration. How could a genie say no to his master so I helped her to get on the bed and opened her legs wide apart and started to stuff her tight pussy with my 8” cock she did not have any expressions for minutes that made me a bit worried that she might not be enjoying it much maybe she was used to it or the 4th climax left her hole dead.

But she did shout and moan after a few minutes under me , a point came when I realized that I was about to cum but any change in my momentum would only frustrate her more and if I continued my speed I wouldn’t stay hard longer thank god I read “Dr Barbara Keesling’s – How to Make Love All Night” some days back that helped me to attain multi orgasmic levels just like woman has (must read gr8 for love life) .this art enabled me to have orgasms twice , thrice, and still keep going without any change in my hard on or its size . It was a great feeling to use my newly found knowledge practically anyways now we both climaxed oozing gallons of cum and both sleeping in each others arms. After around half an hour I asked her where fridge was and she pointed to the kitchen with her closed eyes only I think that she was damn exhausted that’s why she slept for another half an hour. Since it was a sunny morning and the sun’s rays where entering through the window I opened the curtains and the light entered the room making this maiden look like snow white. She was woken by the smell of vanilla and chocolate and the coldness on her pussy. She was kind of charged up with the smell and ecstasy by the aroma in the room I also switched on the player and had an instrumental music played on it. The entire environment decreased my patience level and that’s when I started with chocolate on my fingers, one finger on her pussy applying chocolate syrup and the other with two fingers soaked in vanilla ice cream in her mouth she started licking my fingers this was the most amazing breakfast that we ever had. I started licking her again and she started to lift her waist ass up in the air as possible with her rest of the body still on the bed It seemed that she was asking for more and more at this point I thought what a whore she was I had already made her cum 5 times and still she wanted more her boyfriend must have spent days trying to satisfy her.

Ok this thought made me a bit infuriated and I licked her pussy quickly and held her hand and turned her on the bed with her face lying down. I guess she knew what I was going to do so she held her ass cheeks and widened the gap between them making her clean ass clearly visible I applied a bit of honey on her ass and started to make it well lubricated and tighter with every time I put my finger in her ass, she held her cheeks and co operated fully until I kept my fully erect dick on the opening of her ass , I don’t know how but I jumped and my dick entered completely and after a long while I heard scream with pleasure after stroking her for a while I put my hands on her waist and lifted her back up with her face still in pillow now I put my hands on her hands in such a way that just my middle finger was rubbing her pussy lips and splitting them apart and again joining them and still continuing pumping her asshole, after I vomited my cum in her asshole we both collapsed just to catch up on our breaths. Her ass at this time looked really beautiful as she stood up to got to pee I saw her ass and the cum stringing down and her muscular calves made her look damn sexy she looked back and smiled at me devilishly. She went to the toilet after minutes and came out wearing a white mini skirt and a semi transparent red top that showed her bra less erect boobs from side as it was almost cloth less from sides of her boobs she said in a commanding tone “enough of you seducing me!”

After a pause she smiled and said “now its my turn ” and turned back and touched her toes with her fingertips revealing her muscular calves and her pussy stuffed in a tight black colored thong I was enjoying the scene when she suddenly removed the thong a her clitoral opening showed up it had many layers of skin making the hole clearly visible and there was a small ring held by the clitoris that was never there earlier but it looked like the Kohinoor of the queen’s crown (try taken it like this queen = Simran ,crown=her pussy and the ring=Kohinoor diamond) she turned and took out the thong from her legs flaunting her lips lusciously she turned back and walked confidently towards me just like a model she went on her knees and grabbed my cock from its head and started sucking it just as I was going to cum she left it but continued to stroke it harder now she stood up and removed her top and her pink nipples showed up she continued with her blowjob and pressed her boobs on mine after a lot of delay I finally climaxed and now she sat on my lap with her ass cheeks and pussy wet pussy lips rubbing against my cock I serviced her tits and smooched her many times. After this she pulled her mini up and turned her back to me and holding my prick sat on it making it enter her pussy this was the last event of our today’s intimate meeting after this we got up and went for a shower after which we cleaned each other and I left for my place realizing it was too late and my folks would be worrying bout me. We continued our relationship secretly and did have lots of fun together she dumped her boyfriend. I will narrate my further experiences in my next stories please post your comments and valuable responses if you happen to like this story to me at [email protected]. Any girl wanting to know me better or want any sexual favors in and around GURGAON please mail me.

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