Lost My Virginity To My Trusting Landlady

Joe_D_Amato 2015-06-06 Comments

God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features.

Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family friend of ours in the heat of the moment.

This was the time, when I was a bachelor of around 32 yrs of age & was staying in a rented flat in Navi Mumbai. I was employed as a Senior Manager with a top Indian private firm. Due to my knowledge & gentlemanly behaviors, I became quickly well-known in my locality for my knowledge & helpful nature.

My Landlord was a 42 yrs old gentleman employed as a technician in a Indian Govt enterprise. Although my landlord looked physically fit, he was acutely suffering from a litany of chronic diseases like hydrocele, gallstone & diabetes. He was exhausted due to the frequent trips to Hospitals & diagnostic centres. However, he was very friendly with me & trusted me for advice regarding financial & other matters. He had a college going son & since I had a brilliant academic & professional career record, he frequently used to consult me on matters regarding his sons higher education, coaching classed, future career, etc.

Since my landlord was not a very educated man, he was barely conversant with modern technologies like Internet, Online Banking and Transactions like Filling College forms, etc. Hence, at the first week of every month, I had to visit his house for handing over the Rent in cash for the accommodation to him. For the first few months, when I used to visit his house for paying the rent, he used to call me inside his house for snacks & tea.

I used to politely refuse every time with the excuse that the lunch break would be over shortly & my boss would be expecting me anytime & hence every time he would call me inside, I would politely refuse with the assurance that next time I will surely join him for tea.

So for the next couple of months, I used to hand over the rent in cash to him across the door grill & run back to my office. Couple of months later, once or twice, when I visited his house during the evening hours, he would politely pressurize me to have tea & snacks in the house as he was feeling very bad that I had to take the trouble of visiting his house which was quite a distance from my house & office. I reluctantly obliged him by having tea only once or twice.

His wife brought the tea cups, snacks & biscuits in a tray and kept the tray on the drawing room table. For the first time, I got to see his wife. His wife was a good looking, 5 ft 4 in tall, middle-aged housewife around 36-39 yrs of age and was a little plump like all Indian woman of her age. I could see her fair & smooth lustrous skin shining from far and even at this age she still possessed a headful of knee-length jet black hair. She was wearing a loose fitting maxi gown in her house.

When she bent down to keep the snacks tray on the table, the front of her maxi opened up quite a bit & I was blessed by the sight of her round, shapely massive boobs hanging from her chest in gravity. I felt my face getting flushed with excitement, which was quite natural for a pure virgin. I am sure she was completely unaware of what she was doing to me at that time.

Due to the age gap between us, I used to call them uncle & aunty and at that point of time there was no lascivious desires floating in my mind towards my landlady. Sometimes when the landlord was not at home, his wife would open the door & take the documents from me through the door grill. She would ask me to wait inside her house for uncle, but I politely refused it every time.

Then one day, when I called up landlord uncle to inform him that I would be coming home for paying the rent during Lunch break, Uncle told me that he was in a day shift & regretted that he would not be able to meet me at Lunch break. He requested me to handover the Rent in a cover envelope to his wife. I agreed to his request & assured him that I would do the needful.

Lunchtime at Central Govt Offices in India is usually between 2 PM & 3 PM. My workload was relatively less that day & I was thinking of ending the day early. I was formally dressed that day with blue-pin striped shirt, black trousers & shoes. On the way home, I had planned to hand over the Rent to Aunty on the way to home.

I wrapped up my remaining work by 3 PM, shut down my computer, packed my Laptop bag & rushed for home. I withdrew some cash from the ATM opposite my office & took an Auto towards the Landlords house. I counted the cash for the rent & kept it separately in a brown cover envelope for convenience while handing over the money.

This is the first time I was handing the money over to the Landlords wife. The Landlords house was in a Govt colony. In India residential colonies built for Govt/Public sector employees are very beautiful with vast expanse of greenery, rows of trees, manicured lawns & well-maintained footpaths. Due to the presence of many large shady fruit bearing trees in the campus, the temperature inside the rooms were quite cool in contrast to the outside city temperature.

I get normally irritated having to pay the rent every time in cash instead of online banking as online banking saved traveling time as well as the needless activities like counting of notes. Little did I guess the unprecedented benefits I would get today by handing over the money personally.

I reached her flat & rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, she opened the door and called me inside for tea & snacks. As I was in a mood to reach home early, I requested her to take the Rent Envelope from the door-step itself and told her that I will come again for tea when Uncle is at home. She told me that she has a few important things to discuss with me & that’s why she was calling me inside. I asked when Uncle was coming; she said Uncle would come at 7 PM after the General shift. She also added that her son had gone to his college and would return late evening BY 8 PM after finishing additional tutorial classes.

She told me to wait in the drawing room chair for 5 min while she brings the tea. She was wearing a long flowing sleeveless maxi gown which had big yellow floral patterns on it. From her face, it appeared as if she had woken up from a afternoon nap. She soon came back with the tray containing hot cups of tea & banana chips. She settled herself across the table in the chair facing me & began the conversation.

She asked me some very general queries which usually any parent would have regarding their ward. Some of the questions were like whether an Engineering or career in medicine would be good for her son. Other questions were whether I was facing any problems in her flat like leakage etc or a few inquiries regarding her neighbors.

She enquired whether I was paying the Electricity Bills & Society maintenance dues in time. I replied by saying that since I pay the electric bills online thru the internet, there was no chance that any bill would have missed the deadline. I also informed her that nowadays most utility bill payments can be made online through internet banking, whats more she can also see the status updates of many applications like Gas Booking, etc. Emails etc. I told her how in many ways computers & Internet had made life easier for us.

Due to my detailed explanation of the benefits of computer, her interest grew in the subject & she admitted that it was a bit embarrassing for her when all her friends were computer-literate except her. She began to deeply regret her ignorance of the computer & internet. At this she further informed me that though she was a Graduate in English Literature, she was almost fully computer illiterate.

I assured her that learning internet was not as difficult as it seemed to her & told her that it was very easy to learn basic computers & it can be learnt even within a day. I also added that anyone at any age can learn basic computers & internet. On hearing that internet can be learned by anyone even within a day, she got very excited & requested me politely if I can spare sometime for her now to teach me a little about computers & the internet. She also thanked me profusely for not laughing at her little knowledge of the internet.

She informed me that they had a Laptop at home and occasionally her son does some study exercises on the Laptop. I asked her whether she had an internet connection and she said yes, they had taken an internet connection dongle from Reliance for their son a year ago. It seemed to me that she was so occupied with household chores, she had never asked her son to help her learn computers.

Despite being in a hurry to go home, I reluctantly stayed back to teach her computers for some time. I told her to bring the Laptop. She said it was in her bedroom & she will bring it immediately. As she turned & went to her bedroom to bring the Laptop, my eyes followed her movement and noticed her round & meaty derriere swaying side to side like a pendulum. A part of the gown was even stuck in the cavity between her butt cheeks.

In the bright daylight streaming thru the window, the faint outline of her dark panty became dimly visible. She soon brought the Laptop & told me to sit beside her in the large diwan cum bed near the TV. The diwan was placed parallel to the drawing room window near the TV. After connecting the Laptop Power Supply to the power socket, I settled into the diwan beside her. She was already seated on the diwan, holding the Laptop on her Lap.

While I moved to switch on the laptop button in front of her, my right hand slightly brushed her arm. She didn’t mind the accidental brush and so I let my fingers rest on her laptop with my right arm remaining in contact with her left arm. Due to the gap between us, as I was typing on Laptop keyboard, my extended right arm was constantly moving & brushing against her left arm which was making it difficult for me to position the cursor. Her gaze was focused on the computer screen.

She recognised my difficulty & moved closer to me. In doing so, she moved so closer to me that while my right hand was having easy access to the Laptop keyboard, a peculiar situation developed wherein now my right thigh came in close contact with her left thigh. The touch of our thighs sent waves of passionate excitement thru my body, but my landlady did not show any signs of excitement. I continued to teach her how to open the internet explorer from the Windows menu and how to open important sites like Google, Yahoo, etc. As I was opening & closing MS-Windows, websites & clicking on several tabs, many times my elbow was touched & brushed against her lap accidentally. I was continuously opening various applications & sites & was patiently explaining the details to her lucidly.

Suddenly, in the midst of the learning session, the Laptop began to slip away from her lap & fall down. In a split second, I reached with both hands to arrest the fall of the laptop and in the process both my hands were on her lap and one in the intimate inside of her left thigh. I felt the soft smooth tender skin of her white thighs. Her maxi gown had slipped a little upwards. She let out a big & loud O-O-Oooo and pulled the Laptop back. During this her fingers also just touched my fingers on her thigh.

To prevent the Laptop from falling any further, I moved closer to her & now while my fingers were busy on the laptop, my elbow was resting on her thighs & my right arm was just slightly pressed on her breasts. Suddenly, she moved forward towards the Laptop to see something particular on the screen & in the process increasing the pressure of my right arm on her massive boobs. Back & forth movements of my hand on the Laptop caused constant pressing of her boobs by the back of my right arm.

After some time, I pressed the back of my right arm onto her boobs & kept it still and with this I tried to control the computer. She also moved more forward a little bit. I asked her to type a few characters & sentences on the Laptop in MS-WORD. I pulled out my right hand from the laptop and while she began to type I applied a little pressure of my right arm on her left arm and slowly brought my palm up. I slightly touched the side of her right breast with my finger knuckles. Then slowly, I allowed my fingers to creep into her armpit. I was doing this very slowly because it was still not clear to me whether this was happening innocently or on purpose.

My fingers gained some more confidence and crossed her armpit to now begin lightly touching her right breast. As I received no resistance despite the increased pressure on her breast, I began to cup & manipulate her breasts with impunity.

Still not receiving any sign of resistance or negative response, I pulled out my right hand and took it behind her neck. My left hand replaced my right arm on her boobs now. I delicately caressed the nape of her neck with the fingers of my right hand and placed my fingers on the zip of her maxi gown. I began to pull back the zip of her gown. She seemed engrossed in opening sites on internet explorer and scrolling the mouse. Finally I pulled back the zip of her gown zip till the end to reveal her smooth silky back. I delicately caressed her entire back with my fingers.

Now, I brought out my left hand from her front and placed it blatantly on her thigh. I slightly pulled back her gown with my left hand. She placed the Laptop to her left side on the diwan and continued to surf the internet. This gave me enough space for my left hand to manoeuvre her womanly parts. I pulled up her gown with my left hand to her waist so that now her milky white thunder thighs were exposed. I continued lifting the hem of her maxi gown till her dark green panties were now fully exposed.

I grasped her waist with both my hands & briefly made circular motions around her belly button with my fingers. I took the gown higher & higher above her head & finally removed it from her body and dropped it on the floor. Without even a sigh, she cooperated in the exercise of stripping her nude by briefly raising her hands above her head. Now except for the panty, she was sitting completely naked in front of me. Our conversation had probably stopped a while ago, but she was still engrossed in her Laptop learning session. Of course, it now hardly mattered to me whether she was learning anything out of this and all that I wanted was to make the most of this supreme opportunity.

I got mad at the beautiful sight of this completely naked gorgeous woman sitting innocently in front of me & could not control myself from ferociously running my bare hands all over her back, occasionally digging & clawing her back gently with my finger nails. I was desperately kissing the entire length of her smooth & glistening back. Her gorgeous bare back was glistening from the drops of perspiration that had formed on her shapely back & from the saliva of wet mouth.

It was getting bit difficult for me to enjoy the full pleasure with my own clothes on and therefore I began to undress myself and started unbuttoning by shirt, took it of me along with my vest & kept it neatly folded on the edge of her diwan.

As I was preparing to remove my trousers, she asked me, without raising her head from the laptop ” I have opened so many windows & they have got hanged. How to close so many windows? ”

I looked from above her shoulder to find out that she had indeed opened a lot of windows on internet explorer & some of the browser windows had got hanged. When I tried to answer her, I found my mouth gone dry from the excitement & my speech stuck. Still, I answered her in a heavily stammered speech from over her shoulder that she had to point the cursor to the red close button on top right of each browser window & try to close some of the windows. I sensed she had difficulty understanding my commands & hence I held her right hand with my right hand & guided her fingers on closing the browser windows. Due to this my entire naked torso touched her bare back from behind.

After the browser windows closed one by one, she simply said OK & again continued with her browsing by opening new windows. In the meanwhile I removed my trousers & underpants and became fully naked. I sat on the diwan behind her & resumed my foreplay by kissing her neck, ears & back & roaming my hands all over her back & cupping her huge melons from behind.

Shortly thereafter my hands tugged at the elastic of her panty. She gave her silent consent by moving her body & ass just slightly upwards and which enabled me to pull her dark green panty from under her ass, over her thighs, her knees & feet. Finally the panty dropped & collected at her feet. I didn’t remove the panty from her feet.

Thus, we were now both fully naked dressed only in our birthday suit. With the realisation of being fully naked threadbare for the first time in the presence of a grownup woman, my penis grew up hard & erect to enormous proportions. The only items which were now on her body were the standard accessories of women which were her gold earrings, bangles & the silver waistband & pair of anklets on her feet. It was an incredibly sexy visual treat for my eyes.

She was sitting fully naked sideways on the diwan facing the door, while my completely nude self was seated behind her. Thus we were both sitting beside each other on the diwan, dressed only in our own skin and my naked upper half directly pressed into her sexy nude back from behind. My erect hard dick was poking at her massive ass from below. I embraced her from behind so that both our stark naked bodies made intimate contact with each other.

I guided my finger to her pussy & poked some two fingers inside her vagina. I discovered her recently shaved pussy, which had a 2 day old prickly stubble on it. I fingered, twisted & pinched her clit from behind. Taking my fingers out of her vagina, I brought them to my nose. The aroma was a heady concoction with the freshness of lavender shower gel, smell of hair remover cream and gentle hints of urine & body sweat.

I licked my fingers clean & slipped my right hand below her ass. It was a slightly hilarious scene; with the landlady holding her melons with her left hand to prevent them from juggling while her other hand was busy opening up new internet sites on the computer.

After a few moments, she snapped shut the Laptop Screen on the keyboard and collapsed on the diwan sideways so that her huge round meaty ass was on top and directly staring at me. Her face was pointing towards the door.

I clasped her nude voluptuous ass with both hands & dug my lips with into her bum cheeks. Her hair was loose & was carrying a light perfume of jasmine scented hair oil. She rolled over on the bed to sleep on her stomach, with her ass pointing directly at the ceiling and her right arm extended towards the window. All this moment there was no conversation between us & the only noise was of the wind gently whistling thru the trees. From her position on the bed, I could make out that she was silently gesturing me to grind her ass rather than her pussy, probably to prevent any accidental chances of pregnancy.

I was really not prepared for this. Here, I was a well-groomed man totally ignorant of sex & there I was getting seduced for a doggy style fuck. I could neither gather my senses for any reasonable thinking nor could I get any time to think. I just decided to do whatever gets done by me in the moment.I prepared to shove my dick into her butt hole from behind and attempted to position my hard dick between her butt cheeks. She lifted her fleshy buttocks slightly to facilitate my cock’s entry into her butt-hole. I found her butt hole by parting her butt cheeks with my fingers. I tried to force entry of my cock-head into her butt-hole, but her butt-hole was too tight for me enter in the first attempt.

I applied a little spit along the entire length of my cock to lubricate it. The spit along with the precum made a good slippery lubricating agent for my cock’s entry into her butt cheeks.

I gritted my teeth & pushed my hips forward in the second attempt. I was now able to shove my dick into her warm butt hole & with some more pressure my cock went deep inside her butt hole. As my cock made the successful entry into her warm asshole, a short muffled cry of piercing pain U….UUhhh !!!! escaped her mouth.

I embraced her tightly from behind to prevent myself from rolling down her back and balanced myself on her back properly. I pulled my hips backwards a little bit so that my cock was half out of her ass & once again thrust the cock fully into her butt. My face was pressing on her neck from behind as I had to apply all my strength to enter her asshole. She had clenched her fists & was resting her face on on her hands. Drops of cold sweat broke out on my forehead from this unplanned workout of passion.

Soon after I made few backward & forward strokes of my cock in her butt, I realized that a massive orgasm was building inside my loins. I positioned myself still on her back & waited for my cock to relieve itself of all cum it had. Seconds later, my Cock exploded with such violent pulsations inside her butt-hole that I almost shrieked from simultaneous feelings of extreme pleasure & agony. My glistening cum had left a shiny trail of sticky cum from her asshole, along her thighs to the bed sheet of the diwan. My jaws had opened wide open.

The moment, my cock had stopped throbbing, I became aware of the sin I had just committed and sadly realized that my virginity was broken forever. All my feelings of passion had completely subsided after the climax had come to end and replaced by feelings of guilt & embarrassment.

I tried to pull out my cock instantly out of her ass. But my cock was still hard and was tightly in the grip of her butt hole & so I could not pull out my cock immediately out of her ass. Exhausted by mixed feelings of excitement, regret & fear, I collapsed & simply lay on her back in the nude for a few minutes. My cock gradually shrunk to the size of a tiny sac after the last drop of semen trickled out of it and automatically flopped out of her ass after the erection had subsided.

I stood up and picked up my clothes one by one & started wearing them. I was waiting for her to get up & get dressed to say good bye to me. While getting up from the top of her back, I had left thick dollops of milky white semen on her butt cheeks. I cleaned the mess by wiping her bum cheeks clean with my handkerchief.

After some 10 min she got up & without even throwing a glance at me, picked up all her clothes at once from the floor & the diwan. Instead of wearing them, she swiftly crossed my chair in her naked glory still on & walked away quietly into her bedroom with the clothes in her hand.

I literally curbed a second erection which arose from watching her naked shapely buttocks from behind swaying heavily & disappear into the bedroom.

She came out after 10 min fully dressed in a fresh gown. It was honestly embarrassing for me to make eye contact with her after the encounter. Without any hint of any visible emotion on her face or voice, she politely asked me for the Rent envelope.

Then I realized that in the heat of my passionate encounter, I had forgotten to do what I had actually came for. I took out the envelope out of my bag and looking sideways sheepishly at the door, I hurriedly handed over the Rent envelope to her. I quickly scurried out of the house & out of the complex with my trembling legs carrying me as fast they can. It took me a while to scramble my senses & recall completely what I had done.

After this incident, whenever I would visit the landlord, his wife still comes out to offer tea & snacks & we have usual discussions on many topics, as if nothing had happened between us on that fateful day.

Lost My Virginity To My Trusting Landlady

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