Me and my hot Latino

ISS Admin 2007-09-19 Comments

Read the ISS and did read some good stories as well, wanna post a recent experience in Beautiful Argentina, I am a good 6’2″ tall black hair hazel eyed good body banker based in London by handling South American clients and was in Buenos Aires and BA is a great city, some wonderful wine and Steak and the WOMEN, Are they hot and sexy and beautiful or what, a lotta mixed ones, Italian, German, polish, Spanish and local Mezzetos make them a real exotic blend, and some of the most sexy women on earth!!!! That’s a Latino for u! Was in BA, and was at one of those good hotels with all the works in them, great Spa, good gym and a nice plz to swim etc, and staff could speak passable English and my Espanol is scratchy but passable. Flew in from London, Madrid to BA and was dog tired from flight and was in room by about 3.30 local time, so too a nap in hotel, got up at about 6 pm and wanted a coffee, and a walk, so went down to Lobby. They had a nice French Cafe and ordered a coffee, was in my own thoughts about the meetings next day when the girl came with the Coffee and MAN O MAN, was she is stunner or what, a good 9 on a scale of 1-10 with beautiful green eyes, blonde reddish hair and about 5’8″ tall with a great surfer’s body and great T & A, that’s Tits and Ass for u. I thanked her in Spanish and she spoke good English bk, she was a part timer who did work here along with a Bachelor’s degree in Biz. She was 20 yrs old, and was passing out that yr from Uni and her name was Paula.

I asked her if she worked everyday there, and she mentioned she did 4 pm to 9 pm on weekdays and full day on Saturday, Sunday was her holiday! The more I spoke to her, the more I wanted to lick her all over, cause she was a PEACH!!! Now I asked her certain addresses to where I had to go for meetings the next day, and she gave me directions and also told me to take the hotel car as it was safer and driver spoke some English. I paid for the coffee and went bk to the room, had a shower and was working till about 8.30 pm for next day’s presentation, then the Voyeur in me knew she would finish her shift at 9 pm, so went down to the restaurant, had a small meal, and timed her coming out from the cafe. We chatted for some time, and me the DOG, told her I wanted to see the city though I been there 3 times already. She wanted to work on her English and so she agreed and we made a date for the next day night at9.30 pm, she will come to the hotel and pick me up next day. I went to the room, and was already horny thinking of her, so called the Spa and asked them to send me a girl 4 a rub and a tug i.e. massage and a hand job. They send me a nice small Mezzeto girl with a cute tight body, she asked me if I wanted sex but I never pay for a fuck, and she would have been used a few hundred times already, better to put me dick in a toilet bowl Yuck!!! She did give me a great massage, not as good as what the Thai or Chinese chicks do but good enough and she gave me a hand job which came with it. I felt good, had a beer and went to sleep feeling good.

Next day, me at gym for an hour, then breakfast and meetings the whole day, came bk to hotel at 5 pm, and a trick I learned was to take a cat nap before going out, so managed 30 mins of shut eye, got up, shaved again went down to the cafe and met Paula who gave me a coffee and a Bagel as we had a date for dinner and city sights. I went bk to room and had some work to catch up with, send the Emails pending and then as it was 9 pm, dressed up. Went down to lobby at 9:30 pm and got out of the lift and there She was, I could not recognize her first, she had a beautiful red dress on, and her hair was all shiny and glossy, I had ordered some roses from the hotel florist and gave it to her and she was pleased. I did want to show her the famous Rob style all paid for by my bank.

I had ordered a Limo and it was a classy Lincoln town car, not stretch but good enough. I had already enquired from the hotel Concierge about the best Steak place in BA as I knew Paula loved Steak and I enjoyed it, you get the best Steak in the world in BA and NY and the Concierge had booked two seats there for us for 10 pm, if you wanna do anything in a new city, find it out from the hotel Concierge as they are paid low wages but get by on services for guests and the big tips!!! I told Paula in the car and she was already surprised with the town car where we were going and her eyes pooped out as this was a Michelan rated restaurant and it was expensive, about 300 USD per person but then again me bank :)/ We reached the Restaurant which was near the hotel in 20 mins and we were escorted straight to the window seats that my good Concierge had booked and I had tipped him a good 50 USD for the same. I had also given my business card to the Restaurant Stevedore and as our bank ran an account with them, he was giving me a free bottle of red wine as well! All the guests has their eyes of us, Paula looking the entire bit a model and me not bad either! Men looking her and their women eyeing me, I told Paula and she was giggling about it. We ordered appetizers and I had a good 15 Oz, that’s 460 grams Steak which Paula ordered a good 12 oz steak, both Sirloin cuts. We ate appetizers and had our wonderful Merlot Red wine and the talk went on about a lot of things, and there was a certain animal magnetism between us.

The music changed and we went to the floor to have a dance, my salsa steps were adequate and Paula turned out to be a very good salsa dancer so we had fun, music changed, lights dimmed and we danced slow and erotic to the romantic Spanish song. She was holding me and we both knew that we needed each other, I looked into those emerald green eyes and she was looking at me and she said my eyes remind her of a tiger and we kept dancing and I kissed her, and she was into the kiss as well, it was a long hungry kiss. We had our order ready by then and we went into eating out steak with Gusto, as it was so good!!! We finished the wine and skipped dessert as it was a big meal already, and as the Restaurant was by the beach and had its own private beach front, we went for a walk in the beach, hand in hand and in the beach we kissed and we were fondling ourselves- rest of the story to come soon give me your comments to [email protected] and girls, I do come to India often!

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