Seventh Heaven With Sanjana – Part III

linga 2014-11-21 Comments

This story is part of a series:

I hope you all liked the previous part. If you are interested in connecting with me, I can be reached on gmail at [email protected] or on Yahoo at [email protected].
Continuing from the previous post at

After a couple of days, Linga receives a Skype request from a person called Shyam. Linga knows that Shyam is Sanjana’s husband. So he accepts the request. On Saturday night, Linga usually chats late in the night. He gets a ping from Shyam.
Shyam: Hi Linga. I am Shyam, Sanjana’s husband from Gulf.
L: Hi Shyam. Pleased to meet you. How do you do?
Sh: I am doing good Thank you. How are you?
L: I am good, thank you.
Sh: Sanjana talks a lot about you often. From the day she joined your team, she seems to be in awe of you.
JL: Smiles. Is it? That is interesting.
Sh: Let me come straight to the point Linga. Can I talk openly to you?
L: Sure go ahead.
Sh: I am in Gulf and am unable to satisfy my wife and also am unhappy myself. You should understand the reason as I came away in just 5-6 months after marriage. I love her very much though and I know she loves me as much as well. We know that we both are made for each other and think alike in many ways.
L: hmm. Good for you both.
Sh: I know she likes you and so I am requesting you to help her.
L: Help her? In what way?
Sh: Can you induce her to make love with you.
L: Why me? She must be getting a lot more handsome and younger guys. I am 42.
Sh: She likes matured guys, you would fit the bill perfectly. As she is in your team, it will be easier for you both as well. You both can work it out in my house there.
L: let me think
Sh: OK Thanks. Give me a good answer Linga. I am hoping you
L: Hmm!
Sh: OK. Her Skype id is: s…
(Hidden for privacy reasons)
L: I will not message her. Let her send a friend request to me, and then I will accept and do what I can.

The next day it was office as usual. With quarterly status reports pending, Linga was staying up late in the office. It was past 10:30pm when he was about to leave. Checking on his team, he saw that Sanjana was also at her desk working.
L: What’s up Sanjana? Not yet left?
S: Just finishing Linga.
L: Want a drop at your place? I can drop you.
S: Sure. Was about to book a cab
So Linga waits for 5 minutes and both leave the office together. As they go home, Linga strikes up a conversation with Sanjana.
L: You husband pinged me in Skype a couple of days back. You gave him my id?
S: Yes. I often have told him about you. He has a good impression of you Linga
L: I understood that. (Winks)
S: I am just a little scared Linga
L: what for S?
S: On what he says. I am just a little scared. What will others think if they come to know of it?
L: How will anyone know unless one of us says it?
Sanjana was silent for some time.
S: Ok, let’s conference in Skype tonight and come to a decision.
L: Ok invite me on Skype Sanjana.
Later in the night, at around 10:30pm IST (9:00pm GST) on Friday, Shyam, Sanjana and Linga joined the conference on Skype. After initial small talk, the discussions started and went like below:

Sh: So Linga, what do you think?
L: Sanjana is a little scared. She is worried about future
Sh: S, what is troubling you? I am your husband. I love you and want you to not waste your youth. And I also don’t want to waste my youth as well. This life is for living. What is stopping you?
S: Shyam, you are one of the best men. I am indeed lucky to have you as my husband. But what about the moral ground here?
Sh: Nothing to lose on morality as long as husband agrees to send his wife, and the wife also is under no pressure, it is very much okay dear. Linga has agreed only on the condition that you and I are comfortable. Not otherwise. And he says that he will forget this if we want him to forget it. And I positively think that he can be trusted.
S: Hmm. Okay (very silently)
L: Sanjana, take your time for the decision. You don’t have to say this immediately. And only if you are willing this should happen. Also, let us be very clear. This will not in any way affect our professional life. So, using this opportunity, neither will I take advantage of you and nor should you take advantage of me. This is very critical to understand before we embark on anything of this kind.
S: Yes Linga. I fully agree with you. And I am OK.

And so it started. Sanjana and Linga had a secret chemistry started. But it was no ordinary reaction. It started in Skype and ended in real.
Sh: Okay guys, I will quit now. You both get comfortable.
And Shyam exits the conference. Linga and Sanjana are now left with each other on Skype
S: Hi Linga.
L: Hi Sanjana
S: Feeling shy
L: Does your mother know that you know about her escapades?
S: Yes she does ;)
L: What was her reaction?
S: She was shocked. But that can now be used by me for our purpose ;)
L: How?
JS: I can ask her to take my kid to temple or park when we are in the house
L: Good thinking Sanjana
S: It’s been so long, how are you managing your loneliness Linga?
L: as I said before Sanjana – chat in Skype and video conferences. How are you managing?
S: Hmmm!
Linga understood Sanjanas shyness. She was hesitating to say that she masturbated regularly. Nevertheless, Linga wanted to hear this from Sanjana’s own mouth. And he was expecting this from her. Ultimately, he was not disappointed!
I will update the next part shortly. If you are interested in connecting with me or wanting a good experience (with discretion if you so desire), mail me at [email protected] or [email protected].

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