Tenant and landlord relation

ISS Admin 2006-07-17 Comments

Nicole looked nervously at the front entrance to her apartment from across the street, a slight wind caught the stray strands of her long black hair, giving her some respite from the mid-afternoon sweltering summer heat. . The pretty 21 year old college student had walked around the building 3 times deciding how best to avoid Bob Harrison the dirty fat smelly landlord as she was 2 months behind in her rent. It had only been 6 months since she moved into Jersey, New York and she was already regretting her decision to leave home in favor of attending college in the Big Apple.

She had thought that her savings would last her at least 8 months before she had to look for a part-time job, but the cost of living even on the outskirt areas off Manhattan Island was frightful. Now, the pretty 21 year old brunette found herself out of money, without friends in a big city far away from home. As a final recourse she had moved to the lower end of Jersey, and found that even in this less trendy part of the Bronx, all she could afford was a small one room apartment in a dirty old three story building owned and managed by an equally disgusting middle aged, beer bellied and balding landlord, Bob Harrison and his 19 year old degenerate son Jessie


Nicole shuddered involuntarily as she recalled her first encounter with Bob. She was scouting the area for cheap apartments when she was caught in a sudden unexpected shower. Soaked to her skin, she had no choice but to seek temporary shelter in the old depressing building across the road. With her clothes wringing wet she stood in the porch of the building and was grateful when Bob opened the front door to let her into the dim musky smelling building. Even then, she felt uncomfortable as he openly pervade at her from behind the counter, savoring her long black hair, ivory white flawless complexion, and how the wet clothes clung to her young lithe body, accentuating firm supple breasts. Bob knew from 5 minutes of casual conversation with the young sultry brunette that she was from out of town, and in desperate need of cheap housing, and offered her a rate she could not refuse.

In hindsight, Nicole had regretted taking up the offer. Not only was the apartment small, cramped and old, she soon discovered that she was the only single white female tenant in a building tenanted to characters that were best described as the “low life’s and rejects” of society. The shower offered only luke warm water (which was acceptable now in the hot summer months, but would fast become a problem during autumn and winter), and she had a vague suspicion that Bob had been into her room when she was in college. Some of her underwear had mysteriously disappeared in the past weeks. He certainly did not hide his physical attraction to her and had mentioned several times over that he had been wiling to accept other forms of payment as in-kind settlement of her rental if she had a cash flow problem. The first time he suggested this, Nicole almost had a hear attack since she could not even bare to be in the same room for 5 minutes with the smelly, hairy caveman.

It was now mid summer and Nicole in the sweltering summer heat for Bob to leave the building for his afternoon lunch. She could feel her light sweater clinging to her damp skin and she longed for a nice cool shower to wash away the city grime and sweat. At long last, she spotted the familiar figure of a fat and balding man, dawned in his usual disgusting, sweat stained singlet, leaving the building.

Nicole quickly made her way across the street to the building and rushed up to the 3rd story. She fumbled in her bag for her keys and tried to open the door to her apartment. After 5 frustrating minutes, she realized that Bob had changed the lock to her front door. Her heart sunk in dismay as she accepted the fact that she now had to face Bob and negotiate a way out of this mess. Slowly she made her way down stairs and saw that Bob had taken his lunch back with him from the deli and was tucking with much relish into a greasy, bloody steak. He looked up and greeted Nicole;

Bob: “Good afternoon little Missy, don’t think I saw you come in this afternoon, was waiting to discuss a delicate matter with you”

Nicole: “Why did you change the locks to my room, I told you I would have the rent money by end of this month”.

Bob: “Ahhh my dear, but that was what you told me the month before, and the month before that too…….you owe me 3 months rental, you do realize that”.

Nicole: “The money is coming, you will get it this month, and I am good for it”

Bob: “Oh yes little missy, I know you are GOOD for it, I am a kind soul and do not expect full settlement, but I do need some token payment, just as a gesture of good faith……”

Nicole: “Well I don’t have a cent on me at the moment……..unless you count my lunch money which adds to only 5-6 bucks”.

Bob: “Well that is unfortunate, but you are a talented young missy and I am sure we can work out some form temporary up front settlement…..”

Bob did not hide the meaning of his words as he leered openly at her, revealing 2 crooked black teeth. Nicole flinched as she caught a whiff of the smelly pungent breath, as he exhaled. He got up from behind the counter and approached her, she wanted to run as she smelled the putrid odor of his unwashed sweat stained odor. A fly buzz lazily, settled on a piece of crumb on his singlet and he ignored it.

Bob: “Come with me to my office in the back, I will give you the new keys, I just need you to sign some papers first”.

Nicole breathed a sign of relief, so that was all, she quickly followed both behind the counter, to a small dimly lit room. There was a big king-size bed with a dirty stained mattress. Bob closed and locked the door and produced a key.

Bob: “I belief this is what you want, but you really don’t expect me to hand it to you free of charge, its time you worked for it.”

Nicole was silent, she did not wish to return home to her parents and ask for money. She knew she had no options. She decided to play his perverted game.

Nicole: “Well what exactly do you want? I have nothing that will interest you at all”

Bob: “Oh how wrong you are, YOU interest me a great deal, and how old are you, 21? All I want is a chance to get to know you more personally, up close and intimate….you knows what I mean….”

Bob sat down on the mattress and motioned for her to take a sit beside him. Nicole took a seat, making sure to place some distance between him. He leaned edged closer to her and she cringed as he placed a hairy paw on her bare knee.

Nicole: “Is that all………..”

Bob: “Yes, just an hour or so of quality time with you is all I want, so simple……”

Nicole: “I won’t have to do anything…….”

Bob: “Nothing at all…..you just sit back and enjoy old Bob’s attention and company…that’s all, and you get your key after that”

Bob waited anxiously for her response. Nicole was very conscious that his hand was slowly edging up her bare white thighs, exploring the hem of her dress. Finally she nodded her head in quiet resignation. She could put-up with the old pervert for an hour, for 3 months rental it was worth it and preferable to a few hundred hours of waiting tables. Bob smiled in eager anticipation as he realized he had what he wanted.

Quickly he sat next to her and moved his hairy paw further up her left thigh. He had not washed his hands after his steak and burger lunch, and Nicole tried to ignore the greasy feeling of his fingers as they edged quickly to the spot between her legs. Bob certainly wasted no time and wanted to collect on his prize before she changed her mind. Suddenly his probing fingers were gone.

“Stand-up, I want to get a look at the merchandise up close”. He said hoarsely.

Nicole stood up and Bob took a good look at the object of his fantasies the last few months. Nicole looked even more beautiful up close. She did not resist as he unzipped the back of her dress, and unhooked the shoulder straps, allowing the dress to slide down her long slender legs. She stepped out of the dress, revealing more supple white flesh and a lithe figure, covered now only by her lacy bra and panties. Bob wasted no time, unhooking her white bra with trembling fingers and stared hungrily at the small firm white breasts that greeted him, each perfectly capped by a small pink nipple.

Nicole shuddered as he suddenly took her left nipple in his wet mouth, sucking noisily and hungrily, before moving to her right nipple. He tried to cover her whole breast with his mouth and she winced as his unshaven beard pricked and irritated her sensitive fair skin.

Roughly Bob pushed her onto the dirty smelly mattress. It was a hot summer’s day and humidity was worse in the small windowless room. As Bob removed her underpants, Nicole felt a brush of air making contact with her damp sensitive skin between her legs. She looked down to see that Bob was burying his nose and mouth in her panties, and knew where her missing underwear had gone. “Oooh so sweet….” He muttered….”Now for the real thing…..” He turned his attention back to Nicole and stared lewdly at the sweet spot between her long bare legs, and the small turf of pubic hair surrounding the small pink crack.

Nicole resisted the natural desire to squeeze her legs shut, as the lecher dove between her legs and explored her sensitive folds with his nose, tongue and mouth. “I love long dark haired bitches like you with ivory white skin, ice queens on the outside, but smoldering

White heat on the insides….” She could feel his wet tongue probing the entrance of her vagina, probing, exploring the area before wiggling into the warm inviting interior. Suddenly, it was gone as Bob stood-up and quickly tore his singlet and pants off.

Nicole noted with dismay that Bob was even more disgusting in the raw. His chest, under arms and beer belly were covered with coarse black hair, and as he removed his stained and filthy underwear, a gust carried the smell of stale urine and semen over to her nostrils. An immense phallus unleashed itself and Nicole noted that it was at full erection, throbbing obscenely with the tip capped a drop of clear fluid.

She flinched as Bob crawled over her lithe supple form and raised her arms above her head. In one swift motion, he whipped out a pair of handcuffs from below the pillows and anchored her wrists together over the bed posts. She had no chance to protest as lecher moved his coarse hands all over her body. He started kissing her arms and slowly moved downwards towards her left arm-pit, pausing for a while as he noted the smooth damp cleft, before burying his nose and mouth in the highly ticklish area. He took his time to explore the exposed sensitive area, savoring her sweet natural scent. Goose bumps

Appeared on Nicole’s skin, as it was aroused by the unbearably ticklish sensation and she twisted and turn but was helpless as her body was trapped beneath Bob’s massive of blob.

Nicole: “This was not part of the bargain………”

Bob : “Fuck the bargain, I never ever thought that I would ever lay my hands on a prime piece of real estate like you. I have seen college bitches like you from the down town areas, with your trendy clothes and superior attitude, you don’t expect me to pass of a chance like this do you?”

Nicole could hardly breathe as she was pinned underneath his immense bulk. His coarse chest hair was rubbing against her supple skin and she could feel his putrid breath and smell his overwhelming body odor. Bob suddenly got off the bed and left the room, returning a minute later with his equally disgusting son, Jessie.

Nicole had seen Jessie several times and he resembled his father in every aspect, if anything, Jessie would turn out even more disgusting then his father as he had severe acne problem all over his body and face.

Bob smiled: “It seemed such a waste to have a prize like you to myself so I bought you some company, you know Jessie, and since Jessie has not had much success with other girls, we thought he can start with you……”

Nicole was horrified: “No, please, I change my mind, just let me go and I will leave now”

Her question was only greeted by silence, and a conspirational smile between father and son.

Jessie: “Ohhh I want her now dad, can I please have her please”

Bob: “Well we can share, you start on top and I begin below”

Nicole let loose an ear piercing scream, but was silenced immediately by a gag tied around her mouth. Jessie had taken of his clothes and she was horrified to see his body covered with acne scars and pimple. He had obviously been scratching some of them and there was puss oozing from the broken pores. With eager hands Jessie started fondling her breasts, kneading them and pinching her unresponsive nipples. He was salivating as he hungrily latched on to her right nipple with his mouth and tongue, sucking hungrily, whilst the rest of his hands continued to prod and feel her body… moving finally to her left breast and painfully pinching her left nipple.

Bob moved between Nicole’s legs. She tried to squeeze them shut, Noting her resistance Bob gave a nod to his son and Jessie promptly fastened his teeth around Nicole’s right nipple. The intense pain caught Nicole by surprise and she relaxed her legs for a moment, which was all the time Bob needed to pry her legs open and settle his bulk between them. This time, he ran his nose and tongue up along her right inner thigh, savoring her silky smooth skin, as he inserted his index finger painfully into her vagina, taking his time to explore the warm moist confines. Suddenly, Bob’s tongue and mouth moved up her leg to settle on her vagina and he started sucking at the sensitive folds like a vacuum cleaner with his index fingers still inserted.

In spite of herself, Nicole could feel a warm urgent need building within her. Suddenly she gasped as Bob’s probing tongue found the sensitive nub of her clitoris. Bob could feel her body tense and focused on the sensitive nub, lashing again and again at it with his tongue. Nicole could feel a warm sticky wetness spreading between her legs and Bob finally pulled his finger out of the now wet orifice, examining it in fascination. Nicole could see the finger was wet, he placed it to his nostrils and inhaled, savoring the scent, before inserting it back into her vagina.

In the mean time, Jessie was exploring every nook and cranny of her body with his tongue and mouth, leaving a slick sticky trail of saliva across both her breasts and nipples. Nicole shuddered as she felt him running his wet tongue over her exposed left armpit, working his way slowly all the way down the side of her stomach. Jessie stopped and said… Ohhh she does not like that Dad, well I am gonna paint her body with my spit” he laughed.

This time he latched on to her left nipple and sucked hungrily on it again and again. After a while he smiled in triumph and said. “Look, I got one little pinky nippy hard and erect, lets see about the other one now”

Nicole tried to fight the wave of pleasure that was slowly engulfing her body. She could not believe that the two perverts could be having this undesired effect on her. But little by little she could feel the small bolts of electricity spreading quickly across her body. Her legs want slack and her whole body relaxed as she unwillingly surrendered to the insistent tongue that was lashing at her clitoris, and the mouth that was sucking on her now erect nipples.

Bob continued his relentless sweet assault on Nicole’s now engorged clitoris, lashing at it with his tongue. He could taste the vagina juices that were slowly invading Nicole’s moist folds and hungrily covered the sensitive nub of her clitoris entirely with his mouth, sucking hard at it and taking in the juices. This sent bolts of electricity through the length of Nicole’s body as the first tell-tale signs of an approaching orgasm took hold.

Nicole tried to block the waves of pleasure, but Bob’ tongue and mouth were merciless as they continued the sweet torment. She could feel her whole body breaking out in sweat, as every pore in her body seemed alive and awake. Bob inserted two fingers into her vagina, stroking her and sucking her clit, finally bringing her over the edge. Nicole’s body convulsed, and her back arched of the bed as the intense orgasm took complete hold of her body. She was caught totally off-guard and the alien experience overwhelmed her unaccustomed senses totally. She felt her whole body lost in an endless spiral the intense wave of intoxicating pleasure engulfed her body. It was long minutes before Nicole’s world stopped spinning and she finally regained control of her senses.

She looked down her body to see the triumph faces of Bob and Jessie. Her surrender to the intense orgasmic experience had excited both Bob and Jessie and opened the doors to the public, an invitation to them to partake in the spoils. The organs of both men were now fully erect.

Bob said to his son: “Well son, see what your old dad can do with just his tongue. That was just the starter, now for the main course”.

Bob approached her wide spread legs again. Nicole willed her legs to squeeze together, but they remained dead and motionless on the bed. The intense orgasm had totally drained her and her body was still recovering, unable to resist. Helplessly she watched as the brute approached again, as spread both her lifeless limbs. She caught a closer glimpse of Bob’s immense phallus, it was at least 16 inches long, caked in scabs and covered with infected sores which were weeping pus. The smell was nauseating as it throbs and pulsated like some mutated monster.

Bob stared at the small patch of pubic hair between her legs excitedly, and the small perfect slit that was crowned by Nicole’s little pink nub. She was still wet from her orgasm and her slipped two fingers into her vagina again, wetting his fingers with her vagina fluids and smearing it onto his obscene phallus…”Gotta get me some of the sweet honey as lubricant”…he croaked.

Without further delay, he brought the tip of the phallus into contact with her clit. Nicole flinched involuntarily as she felt the contact, images of the infected scarred organ even slightly touching her triggered a massive allergic reaction psychologically. She mentally begged in silence for a quick end. At least use a condom as he was infected with some sicko sex disease.

Bob shoved more of the throbbing member into the small tiny orifice. Nicole moaned in pain as her already abused vagina stretched to accommodate the immense invading phallus, totally unaccustomed to its bulk and size. Still recovering from her recent orgasmic trauma, Nicole’s vagina was totally unprepared for this successive invasion. The entry was made more painful as the sensitive walls of her vagina were irritated by the rough scabs and sores that covered Bob’s phallus.

But Bob was oblivious to her silent pleadings as he continued to push his phallus in, thoroughly enjoying the warm, wet embrace offered by Nicole’s smooth pink vagina. After what seemed like long minutes he finally grunted and opened his eyes as he realized he could go no further. He stared down and was pleased to see that all of his massive organ had disappeared into the small orifice. Shifting his weight to gain maximum entry, he stayed still for awhile as he savored the sheer skin to skin contact his organ had with the walls of the tightly stretched vagina.

Tears of pain streamed down Nicole’s face as Bob stretched her legs still further apart and began slowly to withdraw and insert the organ repeatedly. The constant friction made by the scabbed skin and sores of Bob’s penis against the sensitive walls of her vagina as it slid in and out only added to the pain caused by the original entry. Bob had closed his eyes as he lost himself in the act, saliva drooling down his slack jaws dripped onto the slick sweat soaked surface of Nicole’s stomach.

Jessie watched in wide-eyed amazement as his father continued the onslaught on Nicole. He could see that both her breasts were bruised from his earlier ravage and the areas of her ivory white skin that came in contact with his rough tongue and mouth had broken out in patches of red rashes. Not to be denied, he joined his father on the bed again, clamping a hungry mouth once again on her right breast. His free hand wondered over her body seeking her left breast, finally locating it and clamping Nicole’s nipples between his long dirty nails.

Nicole shrieked through the gag as a new pain added to her current discomfort. Her supple body was now completely buried under the gargantuan bulk of the two perverts. Encouraged by her reaction, Jessie moved his mouth up her right breast to her now erect nipples and attempted to engulf the entire breast in his mouth, sucking hungrily. Saliva flowed down the side of her breast on to the sweat soaked mattress. Suddenly, he released the tortured breast momentarily, took a deep breath, and then bites down hard on Nicole’s erect nipple. He could feel Nicole’s body jerk in silent protest as the bitter coppery taste of blood filled his mouth. After what seemed like long seconds, he finally released the abused nipple from between his teeth and used his tongue to lick up the small rivulets of blood running down her breast from the lacerated nipple.

The pain was overwhelming and Nicole was on the verge of blacking out from the combined assault of father and son. Bob picked up the pace, ramming his deformed organ into her mercilessly. Again and again he pounded her and Nicole’s body shook under the impact like a lifeless rag doll, held down only by Jessie’s oral ministrations on her breasts. Their sheer bulk was too much and she slipped in and out of semi-consciousness as her senses attempted to take refuge from the combined assault.

Through her haze filled mind, Nicole suddenly felt familiar warmth accumulating between her legs. The pain of the original entry in her vagina was slowly replaced by a more sinister teasing sensation. She shook her head in denial as she recognized the early signs of another approaching orgasm. The first clitoral orgasm had taken her unprepared, but this time she would not allow either Bob or Jessie to gain a second victory. She was determined to fight this round to the death and willed her body to subdue the delicious wave that was building slowly.

It had become a battle she must win, to salvage what was left of her pride and humanity. Never would she allow either perverts the satisfaction of knowing that they had conquered her body twice. But how long did she need to resist the wave of pleasure that was increasing in urgency and intensity with each second. A quick look at the clock mounted on the wall indicated it had been forty minutes since Bob’s first entry. She estimated he had to come soon, no human being could last so long.

The seconds ticked by and minutes, neither Bob nor Jessie paused in their attack, the minutes stretched on and on approaching the hour. Already the warm sensation was fast building into an urgent need, slowly but surely spreading from her vagina, threatening to engulf the rest of her body.

Nicole realized desperately that she was fast losing the battle. She was fighting not only against Bob and Jessie, but ultimately also against her own body’s forbidden desires. As the state of her arousal increased, another portion of Nicole’s body slipped from her control. She gasped as Jessie moved his mouth and tongue from her right nipple and settled on her bruised and erect left nipple, lashing at it repeatedly, covering it again in a wet slimy coat of his sticky saliva, and bringing the it to a higher state of arousal. He laughed out loud as he noticed the nipple rising to full erection, twitching it repeatedly between his fingers before returning to the left nipple with the same object in mind.

Never in her wildest dreams could Nicole have thought that the two deformed freaks of nature could provoke such hedonistic urges that were fast overwhelming her body and senses. Determined to resist she squeezed her eyes shut but realized it was useless, her body shuddered involuntarily as she felt Bob’s massive organ sliding in and out of her vagina, enjoying it as the immense organ filled her to the hilt, moving easily now in and out of the wet passage. The constant kissing of Bob’s scabby uneven organ with her distended clitoris was fast becoming unbearable. Her body glistened in a fine sheet of perspiration, slippery with a combination of sweat and saliva.

Slowly but surely the irresistible wave of pleasure spread to encompass Nicole as her entire body became taut, in anticipation of the delicious release that would follow. With a final massive thrust Bob ground his organ deeper into her, grasping her sweat slick thighs and bringing them to his bulging stomach. Nicole gasped as she felt the immense organ swell even bigger, finally triggering a delicious wave of pleasure that washed over her, spreading quickly from her vagina to the rest of her taut, sweat slick body, totally engulfing her.

Bob lifted his head with open mouth as he felt Nicole’s warm wet vagina contract around his organ, gripping it in a warm wet embrace in a series of successive convulsions. He grunted as he felt his organ release its load into her, continuing to ride her like a man

Possessed as he released more of his semen into her.

As the final vestige of control slipped from her, Nicole clenched her fist in helpless frustration as the first wave of pleasure reached a climax, arching her back again as the strong intense contractions took completely control of her body. She could feel the strong jets of semen squirting into her, and waited for the climax to subside. But there was no end in sight as her body gave in and surrendered itself to a second even more intense wave. Jessie watched in awe as both his father and Nicole were in locked the throes of the intense seizure. After 10 continuous massive ejaculations Bob withdrew his spent and shriveled organ from Nicole’s semen slick hole. He motioned for his son to take up position. “Quick you idiot, she is having multiple orgasms, lets see how long you can

Keep her at it….”

Jessie eagerly inserted his fully erect organ in to Nicole’s still convulsing vagina. The phallus was larger than Bob’s measuring at least 19 inches, but Nicole did not seem to notice as Jessie immediately rammed the immense organ into her, in one quick motion. But he was unable to get the entire phallus into the small orifice, especially since it was still contracting in violent spasms.

He pushed again using pure brute strength and managed to slowly force another painful inch of the phallus into her. Nicole moaned as the immense phallus filled her to the brim. But she was still caught helplessly in the throes of the multiple orgasms and the full discomfort did not register completely in her feverish state of arousal. Stretched to its new limits, the immense organ immediately triggered a fresh wave of pleasure in her Vagina and Jessie proceeded to pound Nicole to the bone. Copious amounts of Bob’s semen were now squeezed out of Nicole’s vagina trickling freely down her crack and

Jessie could feel his organ slipping and sliding wetly in and out of the tightly convulsing walls of her vagina.

Nicole shook her head in helpless despair as another convulsive spasm of pleasure engulfed her. Each wave of pleasure was replaced by another higher wave of greater intensity and Nicole thought that her convulsing vagina would turn itself inside out. There was no end in sight as Jessie increased the tempo of each thrust, pounding her like a mad man.

Nicole’s eyes were glazed, her mouth dry and pouted and the creamy white complexion of her face was now flushed and red from her extended orgasm. Jessie looked down and was frustrated to note that despite his best efforts, almost a full inch of his fully erect phallus still lay outside the moist inviting confines of Nicole’s pussy. While she was still in a feverish state of arousal, he sensed that her climax was nearing its end as the convulsions of her vagina walls diminished in intensity and frequency. Seizing on this opportunity, he grasped her sweat slick thighs and repositioned himself before placing the full weight of his bulk between her legs.

It worked as the small the entire immense phallus disappeared completely into Nicole’s vagina. He stopped his pounding staying a few seconds completely embedded within her warm tight confines, never had he experienced such physical enjoyment and he wanted the moment to last for ever.

Tears of pain clouded Nicole’s eyes as her vagina was stretched beyond its physical limits. She had expected the ripping pain to bring the climax to a blissful end. Instead, her disobedient body appeared to delight in the new sensation. As Jessie resumed his pounding, he was now able to ram the entire phallus completely into her. For Nicole, each thrust provoked a fiery ripping pain in her loins which was strangely erotic, blurring the threshold between pain and pleasure.

Just as she thought that she had experienced the final stages of her last orgasm, the sheer size of Jessie’s organ triggered a final wave of unwanted pleasure. The liquid fire in her loins spread quickly. Her back arched again convulsively, with fist clenched and nipples fully erect and trusted upward, Nicole finally gave in hopelessly to the inevitable. As Jessie intensified his pounding, bolts of electricity engulfed Nicole and the final wave of orgasm gripped every muscle in her body. Seized by the final convulsions, Nicole’s body lifted in a quick succession of violent spasms almost entirely of the bed.

The final wave completely drained Nicole’s already tired and battered body of its reserves, overwhelming her senses. At long last, she slipped into blissful oblivion as her exhausted mind and body shut down completely. It was just as well as it took Jessie another hour before he shot his load into her.

Some hours later Nicole woken into a pain filled world. Her whole body was caked in dried semen and cum, and the bed sheets stuck to her back. She was curled up in a fetal position and her body was covered in red marks. Her vagina was red and sore and her pubic hair was caked in a yellow scummy discharge. Neither Bob nor Jessie was present, but they had placed the new key to her apartment on the pillow, with a note stating “Receipt for full payment of this months rental”.

-The End-

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