The prison secretary

ISS Admin 2007-10-05 Comments

Seated already at the table was a female corrections officer named Sonia. She had gotten to know Sonia very well the past two weeks and liked her immensely. Sonia was very attractive, intelligent, and feminine looking. Yet whenever she was around the inmates she would adopt a very cold and professional attitude that would appear quite intimidating. A few moments later the C.O. walked into the room accompanied by two more officers. The two officers were ex-military types and were absolutely huge men built like brick walls. Their uniforms looked more like drill sergeant’s fatigues than a prison guard’s. All the male corrections officers were very threatening looking yet Sunita liked them as they were always very sweet and respectful to her. The C.O. instructed Sunita to take a seat at the table next to Sonia. Diagonally from the table, on the concrete floor in the center of the room was painted a long orange line, where the inmates would eventually line up once they had entered.

“The bus has arrived,” said the C.O.

Sonia began to open the folders that Sunita had brought along. Sonia explained to Sunita the simplicity of what information was to be entered into each file.

The C.O. approached Sunita. “You will hear some very abusive and obscene language from the officers, it’s part of the overall program and hopefully you will not be offended.”

Sunita didn’t know whether she should appreciate his disclaimer or feel belittled by it. However she knew he meant well. Besides she was more worried about what she was about to witness rather than hear.

Suddenly the two doors on the other end of the room opened. The room became brighter as these doors led outside and it was a sunny day. Sunita could hear the sound of a diesel engine idling outside and she knew this was the bus which had brought in the latest candidates for reform. Both officers walked outside. Moments later, she immediately began hearing them shouting at the inmates.

“STAND IN LINE, HURRY UP, MOVE IT!!” shouted the officers repeatedly.

After a minute or so, one of the officers walked back into the room followed by the eight inmates who marched in a perfect straight line behind him. The other officer walked behind the inmates shouting at them to move quicker. Once the last officer had reentered the building he slammed the outside doors shut so hard it almost made Sunita jump in her seat. The inmates all wore the bright orange prison uniforms provided by the county jail. They each wore handcuffs and their ankles were chained.


Sunita had a list of what the procedure was for the indoctrination and reception of the new inmates in front of her. She had read it earlier and knew that she was in for quite a sight. Basically she had very little to do except observe, though she was free to look at each one of the folders for each inmate. She was sad to see that out of the eight men, three were African Americans, three were Hispanic and only two were Caucasian. She disliked seeing such a disproportional number of minorities in the system. Even though she knew they had more than likely committed serious crimes, she was also aware of sociology and the flagrant racism that existed within the criminal justice system. She herself came from an upper-middle class suburb and always felt lucky and privileged. The officers still continued their rancorous oaths while they removed the handcuffs and ankle chains from the inmates. Some of the men were very intimidated by these large and well-muscled officers that were now right in their face screaming insults and hurrying them along in constant impatience. Whenever they would look anywhere except forward one of the officers would immediately start shouting, especially if they dared try to look upon Sonia or Sunita. However Sunita was free to look directly at them.

One of the men barely looked 18 years old. None of them looked much older than 22. Sunita stared at the last young man in the line. He was Caucasian and he seemed to have a strong resemblance to someone she went to high school with. She reached for the inmate’s folders where each man’s name was labeled on a tabbed exterior. She was stunned when she saw the name “Anderson, Sean R.”. She did in fact go to high school with him and knew him only too well. He was a tall, muscular, good-looking young man, but he was also extremely arrogant and obnoxious and at times would pick on her in front of her fellow students. He had always hanged with a bad crowd, hence his present circumstances she thought.

One of the men yet again turned to regard Sunita to which the officer immediately shouted. “I’ll TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF IF YOU TURN IT JUST ONCE MORE. GET ON YOUR FACE, FRONT LEANING REST POSITION!!” which meant he should proceed to do pushups.

As Sunita looked at some of the files she noticed that three of the inmates were involved in gang activity. All of these men had been in county jail for probably at least a couple of months and had no female contact. Sunita knew that she and Sonia would probably be stared upon almost as apparitions by the inmates; fortunately the officers prevented the men from getting much more than a very quick glance at them. As attractive as Sonia was, Sunita was even more stunning. She had long brown hair and lightly tanned, perfectly unblemished skin with mysterious green eyes. Her lips were full and very sensual. She was dressed conservatively yet sexy. She wore a white blouse and a black skirt that came halfway up her healthy thighs. She had her legs crossed and was wearing black high heels. Her top was loose fitting but could not hide how busty she was.

One of the inmates was still straining his body doing pushups while the officer cursed him when Sonia stood up. “I WILL READ YOUR NAMES. YOU WILL GET INTO ALPHABETICAL ORDER FROM LEFT TO RIGHT!!” she shouted.

Sunita was amazed at how loud Sonia could yell. She began reading the names as the men moved about quickly. The inmate who was doing pushups heard his name read and immediately rose to place himself in the proper place in line only to be screamed at by the same officer to get back down on the ground again to resume his toiling. Inmate Sean Anderson was now on the far left side of the line within only a dozen feet of the table that Sunita and Sonia were seated at. The C.O. and one of the officers came to the table to quickly talk to Sonia regarding the files while the other officer continued shouting at the men. Sunita suddenly noticed that Sean was staring directly at her. She could tell by his _expression that he recognized her, even though her appearance was much more attractive than before. Sunita regarded him stone-faced as he had a very lustful look about him that repelled her. He had a bruise on his eye that looked like it had been healing for a few days; no doubt a fist from a fellow inmate had made that mark. His bottom lip was also puffed out and swollen. Sonia saw the inmate blatantly staring at Sunita.

“TURN FORWARD NOW!! She yelled.

One of the officers left the table and walked towards Sean and got right in his face. “YOU GET YOUR EYES FORWARD AND KEEP THEM THERE OR YOU’LL BE GOING TO THE STATE PRISON TODAY!!” Sean immediately complied.

“WHAT DID THIS ONE DO?” shouted the officer as he faced Sonia.



Sunita could tell Sean was very angry but he was helpless to do anything. The boot camp facility was a last chance for these inmates for if they failed here; they would be immediately transferred to a real prison for an appropriate sentence for their offense. However even without that threat, the officer had forearms the size of tree trunks that could easily pummel Sean to the ground in a flash, and by the look on Sean’s face, he knew it. Sunita remembered how mean Sean had been to her and to others as well. He truly was a bully and now he was being bullied himself and more importantly, he was scared. This thought made her smirk for just a moment. She did pity the inmates a bit as one of them began to make face contortions as if he was trying to keep himself from weeping. She remembered though that these men had committed serious crimes and that this program was giving them a chance to redeem themselves. Years ago they would have gone directly to prison with hardened inmates. The program was designed to tear the inmates down from their arrogant attitudes and then start rebuilding their self-esteem and their respect for the rights of others through drilling and counseling.


Sunita looked to Sonia who looked back with a comforting _expression as if she was telling her that everything would be okay. Sunita knew that this was part of the reception procedure but was not aware of how surreal it would be for her. These were young men, all her own age and younger, most of them in excellent physical shape. As they stripped off their orange jumpsuits one of the inmates paused as his underwear was the only thing left between himself and complete nudity, to which one of the officers again verbally assaulted him, swearing and yelling.


The inmate quickly complied and placed all his clothes in front of him. The men were now all standing nude on the orange line at an angle from the table. Sunita always maintained a professional demeanor while she was at work, but what she contemplated in her mind she felt was her own business. She felt guilty a bit as she was actually quite fond of the spectacle she was seeing as she viewed the healthy physiques of the stark naked inmates that were lined up at an angle before her. Sunita looked to Sean who was noticeably blushing, almost turning beet red. He had indeed recognized her but was too humiliated to even look her in the eye now in his present state of undress, even if the officers had not been present. Some of the inmates were very well endowed and Sean was no exception. The inmates could not even savor a quick glance at her or Sonia without being disciplined by an officer. However Sonia and Sunita could easily have lengthy looks at the inmates, or as much as they could without it becoming noticeable to the C.O. Sunita stared at the rippling muscles of the men. Some of them had many tattoos, which Sonia pointed out to her as being gang related symbols. One of the African-American inmates had what appeared to be a healed stab wound on his chiseled stomach. One Hispanic man had what appeared to be an old bullet wound on his front deltoid. Her heart raced upon seeing each man’s organ freely hanging completely exposed to her sight. Only ten years ago, no women would have been allowed to regard such a spectacle as this, not even a female corrections officer. The rules and regulations had changed considerably.

Each man was ordered to lift his penis and hold it upright so the officers could check for any small quantities of narcotics. One of the men was uncircumcised and was told to pull back his foreskin. They were then asked to lift their testicles up. Behind the table where Sunita sat was the large glass window that viewed out to the building hallway. From time to time administrative staff would walk by, including secretaries from the office. The inmates would have absolutely no privacy for the months that they would be in the program.

The officer then yelled. “ALRIGHT, TURN AROUND, MOVE IT!”

Sunita could not help but admire the physiques and the firm glutes of some of the inmates. She knew that Sonia was watching as well.


She could tell that some of the inmates were very embarrassed by now while others were simply very angry. Yet they had to comply. One of the officers came by with a pen flashlight and checked each man’s anus. Sean was bent-over naked and less than a dozen feet from Sunita, when he turned his head so he could quickly capture a glimpse of her luscious legs that were crossed sensuously. Sunita could tell he was looking at her. He was so mesmerized by her legs he wasn’t aware that one of the officers was behind him at that moment.

ALL OF YOU STAND UP AND TURN AROUND!! The officer yelled and then told Sean. “ON YOUR FACE NOW!!” Sean responded by falling to the cold concrete floor and began doing pushups in the nude.

The eight other inmates now stood very straight and at complete attention. One officer stood to each side of the line as the C.O. stepped in. He began to shout out to the inmates the basics of the program. They were no longer allowed to speak unless spoken to; they would address each officer as sir or ma’am. They would be under a program of total control from now on. More rules were spoken to them for the next 40 minutes while the men stood naked and at attention. Sean continued to strain, trying pathetically to keep doing his pushups. But after several minutes he could barely push his body up at all. He had to keep trying though as he made several grunts and groans while his body glistened from exertion, his shoulders bulging. Sunita had full view of all of this as he squirmed and strained while naked at her feet. The C.O. began to shout out the rules and regulations of the facility for the inmates. For each rule followed a threat of what would happen if there were to be an infraction. These men began to understand the very thin ice they were on and that they were only one step away from a real penitentiary. The C.O. spoke of the serious offenses of being caught with contraband, fighting and rape. Finally Sean collapsed to the ground in utter exhaustion. Meanwhile, a few older inmates arranged new underwear’s in front of the inmates standing in shame. The older inmates were marched back to their work areas after this.

After the indoctrination, came the shameful part. Each inmate had to demonstrate submission to the rules by first facing one of the most shameful punishments. So, all the inmates were ordered to wear their underwear’s that were placed just beside them. Once worn, they were ordered to tighten the same by pulling their underwear’s tightly up their butts. Then, immediately they were ordered to remove their underwear’s. They kept repeating this sequence till 6:00 pm that evening. Sunita was extremely aroused looking at very well built men doing this humiliating task again and again till the evening. Watching the humiliation of the inmates from a safe distance, Sunita tried to make eye contacts with each of them. She slowly, but innocently exposed her thighs sitting right in front of them, so that they could notice her soft silky thighs and burn more with the new fuel. This made them more aroused and many sprouted complete erections while humiliatingly following the orders. She wontedly walked beside them pretending to get some files which she forgot at the office. Once at the third floor office, she enjoyed the sight of erect, circumcised and flaming arrows of the inmates burning for ejaculation. She just couldn’t control her sexual feelings. She immediately went to the toilet and rubbed her cunt to arouse herself for witnessing this naked exercise. The whole exercise went on very silently. None of the inmates speaking a word. Each following the beat to undress and dress again and again without resistance. The shame was visible on their faces. All the 8 naked inmates, exhausted and humiliated after 2 hours of humiliating exercise in front of female secretaries, officers and Sunita, were then ordered to stop. They were made to stand there in attention for 5 more minutes, before they could be marched naked to finish further formalities

The C.O. turned the men back over to the officers and left the room. The officers screamed at Sean to get up. He tried to rise as quickly as he could but was almost in a daze from the physical exertion.


The officers then ordered the men “right face”, and marched them out of the room through one of the side doors. The side door led to another room where they, while still naked, would get their heads shaved. They would then be marched to the shower room adjacent and then to yet another larger room where they would be issued their uniforms and boots. There was yet two more female staff that worked in this room as well.

As Sonia and Sunita sat in the now silent, empty reception room, they each looked to each other and giggled. Sonia slid one of the folders over to Sunita.

“He was the biggest,” snickered Sonia.

Sunita smirked, “We really shouldn’t be laughing….the poor guys”. Sonia looked at Sunita to which they both started giggling again.

They continued looking over the inmate’s folders, jotting down pertinent medical information while they could still hear the faint yells and curses of the officers echoing in the other rooms. About a half an hour later, one of the secretaries from the office walked into the room and handed Sonia another folder. This secretary was a luscious African American women name Keshia. She stood next to the table talking to Sunita and Sonia when the inmates were marched back into the room, still naked but carrying their uniforms and boots. The inmates were able to catch a good look at all three women as they marched towards the table until the officer ordered them to halt and right face and keep their eyes forward again. The secretary left the room, not even noticing the men, she had worked there for several years and was used to what went on. The men’s heads were shaved very close, almost as if they had peach fuzz. Sunita thought that Sean looked rather ridiculous. He always had very nice well-styled hair and now without it he looked like a lion that no longer had his mane. All of the men could feel the cool air on their scalps from the air conditioning.

The C.O. opened the door and waved to Sunita and beckoned her to come into the hallway. She got up and walked right in front of the men, her long firm legs and figure completely in their view as her heels made echoed tapping sounds on the concrete floor. They were almost devastated to see her leave their company as even though they weren’t allowed to look upon her, the smell of her perfume after being in the county jail for months, made them almost swoon. With her female civilian attire, full head of long beautiful hair, she was not only a woman to them; she seemed to represent freedom itself. She then closed the door behind her and she was gone, but her likeness would undoubtedly haunt the inmates during their long and lonely nights ahead. The men were finally ordered to dress as they soon would be marched to the barracks which would be their new home. The C.O. stood next to her in the hallway and said. “I know it’s not pleasant in there, but it’s just part of the program. It’s Tiffany’s birthday in the office upstairs, they have some cake in there, feel free to get some. And after that, please start entering all the new files into the database tomorrow.” Sunita complied; she was waiting to tell her friends about the day’s experience.

The next day, while working in front of her PC she looked down out her window again and saw another group of men running in their shorts. She could tell one of the inmates was Sean. He had already been incorporated into one of the groups. They then did their calisthenics out in an open field about hundred yards outside her window. She honestly hoped the best for Sean and that he would get his life back on track, as would all the inmates. She knew statistically though that unfortunately a few would probably re-offend and would soon be back in the system again and that some of the more incorrigible ones would not even make it through the program at all and would be sent to prison immediately. She pitied the inmates as they rigorously exercised outside in the stifling heat. She reminded herself again that the ultimate goal was to save these young men from ruining their lives and becoming career criminals. It was actually the strongest form of tough love she had ever witnessed.

That night after Sunita had returned home from the facility and after her parent’s had gone to sleep she laid on her bed reading. Despite her new appearance she was still quite the bookworm and was plowing through a copy of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover.” She had stripped down to her cotton pink thonged panties and laid topless on her stomach, licking a Popsicle as she read. She still wore a very thin silver belly chain that she had worn out that evening. Her long hair was draped to the curves at the small of her back where her warm and very shapely hips and backside were exposed. Even though she was of college age her room still had remnants of when she was just a little girl. A few stuffed animals still sat on various shelves along with many novels from a plethora of authors from Charlotte Bronte to E.M. Forster to Dostoevsky. A poster of a one hit wonder boy band from her high school days was still glued to her wall. She yawned and tossed the book back upon her nightstand. The lushness of her naturally light-tan soft body was sprawled upon the comfortable sheets of her bed, her healthy breasts peeping out on both sides. Her shapely right leg was off the bed and flexed at the side of the mattress with her toes just barely touching the floor.

She contemplated her new job and what she had witnessed that day. Poor Sean, he must be so frightened now, she thought to herself. Those other inmates are more hardcore than he is. Sonia had pointed out the tattoos that branded these men as members of the Crips, Black Gangster Disciples and the Latin Kings. They were already beating on Sean and he still has many months ahead yet to endure. Would there be still further beatings in store for him in the future, or perhaps even worse types of assaults? She tried to close her mind to his suffering and think only of what she had witnessed in the receiving room. She hugged one of her soft pillows against her heaving breasts and smirked as she licked the Popsicle from it’s base to it’s tip with her pink tongue.

Since recently overhauling her entire appearance Sunita had enjoyed the attention from men that she now seemed to receive everywhere. She could almost feel the recent drastic change in her personality and the overwhelming amount of confidence she had acquired. Even though she already had a boyfriend, she secretly loved to tease and taunt men in very subtle ways with her body, facial gestures and manners of speech. She lately seemed to have an affectation for including a banana with her lunch everyday even though she preferred eating apples. She felt like a slut for thinking such thoughts and doing such things while at the same time being quite fond of the attention which it brought to her. She knew that in the days and weeks ahead she would have to accompany the C.O. on some other duties that involved the inmates; medical physicals, snap inspections of the barracks and shakedowns for contraband as well as more new arrivals. She would be able to fully view the inmates often under very embarrassing circumstances for them yet they would be reprimanded for looking upon her. She knew she would always be professional in her demeanor and she would take her job seriously but privately she knew she couldn’t deny that she would enjoy the attention she would receive from behind the razor wire. She took the Popsicle entirely into her mouth and then pulled it out slowly from her full pouting lips.

She would pick her wardrobe carefully for work each morning from now on. She would always dress properly but she would allow just a hint of sexuality to exude from her appearance. She would make sure her soft curves and femininity could easily be appreciated. She would secretly enjoy the ferocious stares of these tough, caged and manacled gang members, drug dealers and thieves as she would walk freely within their grasp while well protected by the guards. She contemplated that since she was unattainable to the inmates, the forced celibacy would possibly increase their desire for her as all men deep down were aggressive hunters and intensely longed for what eluded them. She smiled as she circled her tongue around the tip of the Popsicle.

These strong men were enduring forced celibacy. Some of the inmates were impressively endowed and their she paused before taking her thoughts further their cocks, from the months of being denied ejaculation would already be like flaming arrows. And she, with such innocent gestures could so easily fan those raging flames and make them burn even brighter and hotter. She yet again licked the entire shaft of the Popsicle, this time very slowly and only with the very tip of her tongue. Sunita knew that during their long, lonely nights in their bunks it would possibly be her that these muscled, well endowed men would be imagining and burning with raging desire. Perhaps some of them were sprouting very hard erections right now, for which they had to pay with more work the next day. She chastised herself for thinking such unrefined things; however she couldn’t help but admit that such assumptions flattered her. Sunita kissed the tip of the Popsicle and tossed it into a flowery designed waste basket and shut off the lights. Through the laced white curtains of her window the moonlight illuminated her body as she rolled over to her back and stretched. She extended her arms over her head and arched her back, the perfect globes of her breasts thrusting upwards. She pulled the blankets about her body and covered herself. It would be a very interesting summer.

The next day, the C.O called all the female officers to his room and held a discussion. He wanted them to actively participate in each schedule, and witness all the stuff going on in the facility. He also wanted them to get familiarized with the rules and regulations of the system, and feel comfortable with all tasks including punishing inmates for infractions. He told them to accompany him for all tasks further, and learn how to handle the inmates. He gave a few rule books to each of them, which included all steps of how to handle the inmates under various situations. The main motive was to humiliate them and make them submit to the system, the law, the government, and higher authorities. Knowing that sexual humiliation was the best way to make them submissive, it was chosen in such a way that it was difficult to make out what really happened. They were told to read the books by next day, so that they could concentrate on one task per day

Sunita went home and called her friends to her home since her parents were away. She showed them the books and they started reading them together. Within minutes they understood that it was hell for the inmates there. The inmates are woken up at 4:00 am. Their work program began at 5:00 am and ended at 6:00 pm. Each inmate had to work really hard to please the officers for a time period of one year, to get out of the system. Along with this, they had to endure forced celibacy, which meant that they would not be allowed to masturbate or ejaculate throughout the period of their stay. However, there were instances when, unable to control, almost mad inmates would try to masturbate in various ways. Each part of the facility was under surveillance. Once caught they paid for their acts in humiliating ways which included jogging in-place stark naked in front of one of the officers, while confessing to their infraction. This was made so that they developed absolute fear against breaking rules. Several female staff would move around when the inmates would be jogging in-place.

Especially since the jogging ground was very well visible from the food mess for officers, Sunita and other trainees would get a good view of completely nude inmates jogging in-place and confessing right in front of them while they had their food and chatted. The officers were free to counsel them during this time, and if possible have a word with them in case any one needed some advice. The work was even harder. Inmates usually did physical work like agriculture, carpentry, or simply useless work like digging earth. The inmates were not supposed to deviate their attention from work while working, not even to rub sweat. The work demanded absolute attention. After working for 5 hours, they had lunch. This was followed by studies for the next 4 hours. After this, they would be strip searched individually for one hour in open field. Then they would be marched to their barracks to sleep. Each inmate had to sleep with both his hands exposed, so as to avoid them from masturbating. After reading the rules, Rumi and Shazia could not control their sexual urge to masturbate. They understood that the inmates literally lived in hell, and the girls simply became perverted.

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