Daughter-In-Law Tricked Into Sex Twosome

arzoo 2015-06-06 Comments

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with him, and get drunk as well. raj was also a large man. He was not tall, around 5’6″, but fat. He was 54, and had a number of tattoos all over his body. His wife had left him ten years ago after she found out he would often sleep with hookers.

Just as the game was about to start, there was a knock on the door. Raj opened it, and too his surprise, there stood his beautiful young daughter-in-law dolly. Raj had lusted after her ever since his son first walked her into their house two years ago. She was married to Raj’s only child for one year now. Raj’s eyes roamed her body from head to toe. She was 26 years old and 5’8″ tall with shoulder length straight brown hair. She was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt that was buttoned up all the way except for the top two buttons.

The shirt was hugging her breasts, which seamed to be a b-cup. The shirt was tucked into a brown mini-skirt, which was a couple of inches above her knee. She wore a pair of matching colour high heels that went well with her lovely firm calves. She had a body any man would love to fuck. She worked as a lawyer, and it seamed she had just finished work. Being slightly shorter then Raj, Dolly looked up to him and with a slight smile said “Hi”. Raj looked down at her sparkling green eyes and replied, “Hi, come in”.

“Um, I just wanted to return these dishes”, she said holding out two small bowls.

“Sure, come in”, Raj replied allowing dolly to walk in. Dolly could smell the alcohol in raj’s breath and she knew she should leave straight away. Dolly disliked her father-in-law a lot. He would often flirt with her whenever the two were alone. Many times he would come up to her and start to rub her shoulders, or use his hands to brush her hair while she was washing the dishes. She told her husband Rahul, about his father, but he just told her she was reading too much into it. Dolly knew it was a lot more then that and decided to avoid being alone with raj. She saw shyam sitting down on the couch with his shirt off and quickly walked into the kitchen, put the dishes down and walked back to the front door.

“Why don’t you stay a while? Meenu’s gone out to her friends house for the night, but you welcome to stay and watch the game with us”, Raj said while placing his hand on Dolly’s back. Raj would often fantasise about having his hands roam all over Dolly’s sexy body. Every time he would jerk off, he would imagine his daughter-in-law. He would think of her in one of those tight pair of jeans she wore, which showed off her firm butt and perfect waist.

“UM no. I better get going. Its getting dark and rahul is out of town on business,” dolly quickly replied as she sensed her father-in-laws firm hand on her back. She walked outside and could feel her filthy father-in-laws eyes on her. raj watched as dolly got into her car. Her tight skirt showed off her perfect butt. As she climbed in, her skirt road up her thigh, instantly giving raj an erection. He closed the door and came back and sat down on the couch.

A couple of minutes later there were another knock on the door. Raj got up again and opened the door to find dolly standing there again.

“Um I can’t start my car”, she said in a soft voice.

“Oh, well shyam and I will have a look”. raj turned to shyamwith a slight smile and said “come on shyam, lets see if we cam help this attractive young lady out.” shyam got up and gave dolly the once over. He whistled his approval and they all walked outside. It was a very hot day and raj could see that dolly was suffering from it. She kept fanning herself from inside the car as raj and shyam looked under the hood. shyam walked over to the driver side and asked dolly to get out. He held the door open as dolly slowly got up and tried to get out. dolly slid past shyam, accidentally brushing her butt against shyam’s crotch because there wasn’t much room between the door and shyam. She could feel his bludge through the shorts he was wearing. shyam tried to start the car.

“Well looks like you ant going nowhere tonight. Your battery’s dead”, he said.

“Looks like your spending the night here. Meenu took my car so we’ll have to get this fixed first thing in the morning”, raj said as he lowed down the hood. Dolly put her hands on her hips, her shirt clung tight to her body, showing the out line of her bra. raj could even sense a hint of her nipples poking through. dolly had no other choice. Her in-laws lived in a secluded area that was too far form any public transport.

“Ok”, Dolly reluctantly said as she locked the car and walked inside with the two old men.

Dolly walked over to a single sofa and sat down, crossing her legs. raj and shyam sat down on the double couch and all three started to watch the game. dolly could feel a pair of eyes on her as she turned her head to find raj staring at her chest. dolly crossed her arms over her chest, covering her breast. shyam just smiled and took a sip of his beer. raj got up and walked over to the bar.

“What do you want to drink”, he said looking at dolly.

“Um nothing. I’m fine”, she replied.

“Look, I can’t have no guest die of thirst”, he said in a stern voice.

“I’ll just have some water”, dolly replied.

“Hell no. We don’t serve water here”, raj said while pouring dolly a margarita”. raj walked up to her and handed her the drink. dolly was really thirsty, and reluctantly gave in. raj looked down at his beautiful daughter-in-law. As she leaned forward to take the drink, raj got a great look down her white shirt. He could see the tops of her firm breasts held inside a black bra.

As dolly finished her drink, shyam got her another one. This time he made it a little stronger.

“Why don’t you come and sit over here. That way all three of us can get the cool breeze from the door,” raj said as he patted the spot on the sofa between him and shyam. Well into her second drink, dolly didn’t see any harm in sitting between the two old men. She got up and walked over and sat down in the small gap. Raj placed his hand on her knee and said, “Isn’t that better”. dolly took a sip of her drink and then lent forward to put the glass on the table. The action caused her blouse to pull free from her skirt and a quick flash of lower back showed. Along with the view came the obvious, she was wearing a lacy thong. raj and shyam both stared at her sexy black thong, and then looked at each other and smiled.

“Boy your Lakers are really getting their butts whipped dolly, I bet Shaq doesn’t get another point for the match”, shyam said with five minutes remaining for the match.

“What, of course he will”, dolly replied.

“Well 5000 bucks says he doesn’t.”

“Your on”, dolly said with a smile.

Raj slowly moved his hand up his daughter-in-laws legs and rested it on her thigh. dolly felt her filthy father-in-laws hands and her breathing got heaver. Raj turned his gaze away form the TV to dolly’s chest. The cool air from the doorway had caused her nipples to harden.

“Well it looks like your going to have to pay dolly. No way he’ll score now with only a minute left”, raj said as her moved his hand down the inside of dolly’s thigh. He stared at her legs, as the short skirt she was wearing only came half way down her thigh. raj slowly tried to move her brown business skirt up her leg, but dolly realised what he was doing and put her hand on top of his to make him stop. dolly was now starting to feel aroused. She hadn’t made love to her husband for a while now, and the feeling of sitting between two men, who only hand their shorts on, were causing her body to go warmer. raj lightly squeezed her thigh as all of a sudden Shaq was awarded three free throws.

“Yes”, she said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, ten thousand bucks says he’ll miss all three”, shyam replied arrogantly.

“Your on”, dolly said. dolly thought there was now way he would miss all three. All of a sudden as he missed the first, she started to get nervous. When he missed the second, dolly knew she was going to loose five thousand bucks, which she didn’t have on her. As Shaq missed the last one, both raj and shyam smiled.dolly turned her head toward shyam and said in a soft voice “Umm I don’t have the money on me, but I’ll pay you back.”

“Nope, all bets must be payed on the spot”, raj said while turning the TV off.

“But I don’t have any money on me”.

“Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ll erase the bet if you do one thing”, shyam said with a grin. dolly knew she was in trouble. Here she was sitting between two filthy old men with dirty minds.

“What do you want”, she said reluctantly.

“All you have to do is give me and raj a kiss”.

“No way, I’m married”, she replied with a stern tone.

“Oh come on. It’s just a kiss. I’m sure you’ve kissed many boys before”, Jim replied with a smile. The alcohol had taken effect as Kelly decided it was just a kiss.

“Ok”, she finally said as she leaned towards shyams lips.

“Wait”, shyam said.

“I think the grooms father should have the first kiss”, shyam said. dolly was nervous now. She was now forced to kiss the man who had tried to put his hands all over her so many times. She lent towards raj.

“Maybe this way will be better”, raj said as he pulled dolly over onto his lap. dolly tried to resist, but knew the sooner this was over the better. She put her knees on either side of his waist and sat down on his lap. She lent in and kissed her father-in-law. raj was in heaven. Here he was with his hot daughter-in-law on his lap, her soft hands around his neck, and her red wet lips on his. He put one hand behind her head as he put his tongue inside her mouth. dolly moaned softly as both their tongues met in a passionate kiss, like a kiss in a porn movie. raj used his other hand to untuck her shirt from her skirt. dolly could feel raj’s hard on pressing into her butt. Her pussy was wet with arousal as she lifted her butt off his crotch. This will be over soon she said to herself. Raj felt her lift her butt off his crotch, so he put both hands on her firm ass. He started to feel her ass, firmly squeezing each cheek. He moved his hands down her butt, to her exposed thighs. He put his hands inside her skirt and started to lift it up, pushing it up around her waist. His hands now made contact with her bare ass. He could feel her silky thong as it disappeared deep into her butt crack. dolly quickly broke the kiss as she felt her father-in-laws hands. Jim started to kiss her neck, as he moved one hand up her back to stop her form getting up.

“Oh no…Stop…oohh”, dolly moaned as rajcontinued to suck her shoulders, while feeling up her butt.

shyam couldn’t take it anymore. He had to have his share as well as he yelled “Times up. My turn”. Raj let dolly get up as she slowly staggered over to shyam in her high heels. shyam grabbed her hands and pulled her down, forcing her to sit the same way on shyams lap as their lips met. His hands roamed her beautiful body. dolly was too aroused as she lost control and started to grind her butt into shyam’s crotch. shyam put one hand to her firm breast and stated to squeeze them. He pinched one of her nipples through her shirt as dolly moaned with excitement. Raj got up and walked behind his daughter-in-law. There was no holding back. He had waited for this too long. He lent down and started to kiss dolly’s neck again as he slid one hand inside her skirt.

“No..”, dolly said as she broke her kiss with shyam. She tried to pull raj’s hand out of her skirt, but raj just started to rub her panty-covered crotch. raj could feel her moist cunt through her soaked panty.

“Your one wet slut”, he said into her ear. shyam ripped open her shirt, as buttons flew everywhere. dolly’s matching black silk bra was now full exposed. The bra made her breast stand firm as shyam used his hand to push them together. He started to pinch one nipple again as he sucked on the other breast. shyam now put his hand inside her panty as he could feel a thin line of pubic hair. He put one finger inside her hot pussy lips as Kelly pushed her hip forward to meet his hand.

“Oohh god…this cant be happening”, dolly said as her father-in-law continued to finger fuck her while kissing and sucking her shoulders. raj put in another finger, and he couldn’t believe how tight her pussy was. He could barley put in the second finger as dolly dropped her head onto shyam’s shoulders and bit his neck with pure lust. “I think its time for us to fuck that sweet tight pussy of yours”, shyam said as he picked up dolly and carried her into the master bedroom. raj followed behind with a bottle of rum in his hand.

shyam dropped dolly onto the bed and started to take off his shorts.

“No…Please don’t do this”, dolly pleaded as she tried to get up. But raj sat down beside her and poured some rum into her mouth. dolly swallowed the rum as she returned her gaze to shyam’s naked body. He had tattoos all over his fat body. But dolly couldn’t help and stare at his thick cock. It was easily twice as thick as her husbands and a couple of inches longer. shyam climbed on top of her and pushed her brown skirt up to her waist.

“Oh god…please no…”, dolly pleaded once more as shyam ripped of her silky black thong and put his thick cock at her pussy lips. dolly stared into shaym’s eyes. The innocent look in her green eyes was enough for shyam. With one slow thrust, he buried his cock all the way inside Kelly’s tight cunt. He slow started to thrust in and out as dolly through her head back in ecstasy.

“Oh…sooo big…oh my god”, dolly moaned as shyam increased his fucking.

“Boy, I haven’t had a tight pussy like you since I fucked my niece two years ago”, shyam said as he picked up dolly’s legs and through them over each shoulder, her toes pointing to the roof.

“Stop…your ripping me in half”, dolly yelled, but deep down she wanted him to go harder. shyam grabbed hold of her waist and started to hammer into her pussy. raj stared at her breast shaking back and forth. He poured some rum onto her flat smooth stomach. How many times he would stare at her flat stomach when she would wear low cut jeans around the house. He lent down and started to lick her abs. dolly put one hand on her breast and the other on raj’s head. She was now enjoying the fucking she was receiving. Never had her husband fucked her as hard as shyam was fucking her now. raj gave the bottle of rum to shyam, and then unclasped dolly’s bra, revealing her erect nipples. shyam took a sip of rum, and then poured some more onto dolly’s tits. raj buried his face into her breast, lightly bitting and sucking her nipples.

“Oohh…fuck me”, dolly yelled as shyam fucked her with full force. His balls were slapping into her ass. shuam couldn’t hold on any longer as dolly’s tight pussy was squeezing his cock. He stared into dolly’s eyes, as she stared back into his with a look of lust. With one final thrust he buried his cock all the way inside her abused pussy.

“I can’t hold on any longer”, he burst out as his cock exploded. He kept thrusting slowly as he filled her up with his cum. raj got up and dropped his pants, revealing his long 10 inch cock. shyam pulled his cock out of dolly’s cunt, as it made a pop sound.

“No its my turn to fuck that tight cunt of yours”, he said as shyam got up to make room for raj.

dolly couldn’t believe how long raj’s cock was as he stepped in between dolly’s long smooth legs. It looked to be around 10 inches long. “I’ve been waiting for this so long. I’m going to fuck you till you cum out of your ears”, raj said as he spread dolly’s thighs, giving him a view of her swollen pussy lips. He slowly began kissing his way up her legs, finally reaching the thin strip of pubic hair. dolly was moaning with pleasure as she ran her finger nails through raj’s head. raj teased her more by licking around her cunt, until dolly couldn’t take it any more.

“Oh god…put it in me…fuck your daughter-in-law…please”, she moaned. This was all the encouragement raj needed as he climbed on top of her body, placing his long cock at her pussy lips. With one quick thrust, be buried his cock all the way inside her hole. His cock was reaching places no one had ever reached before. dolly wrapped her legs around her father-in-law as raj started to hump her. Her ass was bouncing up and down on the bed as raj lent in to kiss her. dolly lifted her head to kiss him as they started to kiss each other passionately. dolly dug her fingernails into rajs back, as raj continued to fuck her as hard as possible. The bed was shaking like an earthquake had hit the house.

“Oh…fuck me..fuck me”, dolly yelled. raj looked down at her pretty pace. Her hair was in a mess. The sensation of fucking a tight pussy like dolly’s was too much as raj was close to cumming. He put his hands on her ass and pulled her cheeks apart. Finally, his cock couldn’t take any more, as it erupted inside her cunt. Her tight pussy sucked all the cum out of his cock, as he remained on top of his daughter-in-law, until finally, he rolled off her and lay next to her. All three lay on the bed, trying to regain their breath, dolly in the middle, raj and shyam on either side. The reality of the situation had final settled in for dolly. She had just cheated on her husband, the man she loved, with her father-in-law and his filthy old friend. Tears started to run down her face, her pussy was still burning with desire. Never had she enjoyed the fucking she had just received. She could hear both raj and shyam sleeping, and she too fell asleep with exhaustion, with her skirt wrinkled around her waist. The white sticky cum of the two men started to run out of her pussy, and down her butt.

Around half an hour had passed when raj awake to the bed shaking. He looked around to find his daughter-in-law on top of shyam, straddling him. Her hands were running through his hairy chest, as shyam was squeezing her breast. dolly threw her head back and started to bounce on his cock furiously. Raj got up and walked into the bathroom. He came back with a bottle of baby oil and pushed dolly down onto shyam’s chest. He could see shyam’s thick cock go in and out of dolly’s pink pussy. dolly looked around to see raj oil up his finger and place it in her butt hole. raj looked at her pretty face as he massaged the oil into her butt. Her messy hair hung down the side of her face. She used her hand to brush it behind her ear, as her wedding ring sparkled.

“What are you doing…oh god…please…I’ve never done that before”, she pleaded into rajs eyes. But raj had none of it as he climbed on behind her and put the tip of his cock at her butt hole.

“I’ve wanted to bury my cock between that tight ass of yours ever since I saw you”, he replied as dolly tried to get back up. But raj pushed her down. shyam grabbed hold of her ass cheeks and pulled them apart and as raj entered her. Because of the oil, he slid in with out much strength. dolly let out a scream as the pain hit her. raj continued to slide into her as tears started to roll out of dolly’s eyes again. Once all the way in her tight butt, raj started to fuck her in rhythm with shyam

“Oh god…no…stop”, dolly yelled out. But soon the pain of having two cocks in her at once was starting to turn to pleasure for dolly. raj held onto her waist and started to fuck her harder.

“Oh god…harder…fuck me…harder”, dolly moaned as she started to enjoy the fucking the two old men were giving her at once. raj put the finger he used to oil dolly’s butt up into her mouth.

“That’s it, suck it you slut”, he whispered into her ear as she used her tongue to suck his finger clean. shyam squeezed her ass together and pumped into her, while raj grabbed both her tits from behind. He was mauling her young breasts, pinching her nipples. dolly kept moaning with pleasure as raj felt he was close to cumming. dolly was full of lust as her body was sandwiched between to old men. raj finally pulled out and shot his load all over dolly’s back. Spunk dropped all over her business skirt and onto her ass. raj couldn’t help but admire the shiny cum on her back and ass as he got up and walked around to her face and wiped his limp cock on her red cheeks. dolly felt disgusted and humiliated as she turned her head away.

“No you don’t, use that sweet mouth of yours to clean it”,raj ordered her as her grabbed her head and forced his cock into her mouth. dolly couldn’t believe what had gotten into her as she used her tongue to lick the cock that had just been in her butt. shyam was out of energy as he stopped fucking her. dolly needed her pussy to be filled up as she bounced up and down on shyam’s erect cock. She was now doing all the fucking. raj looked down and saw his daughter-in-laws soft wet lips around his cock.

Her red lipstick was smudged around her mouth. She used her hand to hold his balls as she sucked his soft member. Finally, after the hard fucking dolly was giving him, shyam came inside dolly for the second time that night. dolly used both hands now to suck raj’s cock clean, as shyam ran his hands through her lovely brown hair. He looked down at her beautiful young face as his cock went in and out of her mouth.

After finishing sucking raj’s cock, dolly got up and staggered into the bathroom. raj watched as her breast jiggled with each step, her ass and skirt covered in cum. As raj followed her into the bathroom, shyam got dressed and went to the living room. He pushed the eject button in the dvd player and took the cd out. He then walked outside and got into his truck, which was parked behind the garage. On his way home he thought how lucky it was to have watched the replay of the Lakers game from the night before.

“How good does that hot water feel”, raj whispered into dolly’s ear in the shower. He nibbled her ear as he soaped her young naked body. dolly didn’t know what had come over her. She had enjoyed being fucked by by two men twice her age. One her father-in-law, the dirty old man who she had come to hate. She knew her life would be for ever changed as she turned around, grabbed hold of raj’s cock, and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

Daughter-In-Law Tricked Into Sex Twosome

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