Kishen’s life-changing discovery – Part 6

authorerotica 2023-03-24 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Having had a filling dinner, Kishen was lying on the bed in his room, preparing to sleep.

He couldn’t wait to get his hands on the panty. That morning, Deepti had him pick it randomly from a used bunch she kept in a shoebox.

“Nothing beats falling asleep after masturbating to a used panty on the face,” he thought.

However, as he wrapped himself in the blanket and sniffed the panty, he was struck by a surprising realization.

“This doesn’t smell like Deepti’s, Neetu’s or Usha aunty’s panty! Who is this woman sitting on my face?! It doesn’t look like mom’s. Now wait, am I wrong? Going by the look and the cloth type, the panties appear to belong to an older woman. And it is close to being worn out. But whose IS it?!” Kishen wondered.

He found it arousing to sniff an unknown lady’s panty. But the lingering questions in his mind drained a lot of that arousal. Kishen continued to be lost in thoughts and speculations in a semi-horny state of mind.

The previous night, he had witnessed the submissive avatar of Manoj sir. It was also the night he discovered his hidden beast mode. He didn’t know what to make of it. He worried if it would be his permanent trait. As Deepti and Manoj sir advised, he knew he’d have to control it.

He couldn’t help but feel bittersweet. In days, he had transformed from a sex-starved PU student to an alpha masculine bull that he wasn’t particularly proud of.

“By the way, was it Deepti’s big panty that I saw in Usha aunty’s heap? If so, what is it doing there? What shall I make of that? Manoj sir sure knows the smell of Usha aunty’s panty. I am a little jealous now. But wait! Are they all part of one elaborate sex-loving ring? The chances are high. They indeed are. Or am I just overthinking? Are my parents in it too?”

Such thoughts ran chaotically in Kishen’s mind as he stroked his tool. Kishen also knew he needed a good night’s sleep. For the next day, he knew, would be “The Day!” He had seen Sunil (his dad) stock up their fridge with beer and snacks.

His mind took him to his first life-changing discovery. He had witnessed his and Neetu’s parents making out, carefree and jovially.

“Tomorrow, I will hopefully get the answers to many of my questions,” he thought.

He ejaculated and drifted gradually to sleep. The horny James Bond in Kishen couldn’t wait to execute the sting operation mission he planned. Mr Bond didn’t look to expose or interrupt whatever was happening between his parents and Neetu’s.

He wanted to witness and gauge as much as he could about their little secret and be aroused. By the time it was 6 the following morning, Kishen was fresh and ready. He had told his mom, Savitri, that he’d be leaving early for rehearsals for his college youth festival.

When he left his room, he saw Savitri was up. She had prepared tea and bread and jam for him. She had also packed some in tiffin and a bottle of water.

“Now that is going to be useful. I forgot about packing some food,” Kishen thought as he put the tiffin in his bag.

“When will you be back?” asked Savi as she watched him eat.

“Not sure. Maybe by the afternoon. Or I will be late. Will you be here, Ma?”

“Uh… yeah…but if we are not, you have the spare key, right?”

“Why? Are you going somewhere today?”

“Yes, we may have to do some…uh…shopping.”

“Ok. Go back to sleep, Ma. Thank you for the early breakfast.”

“Go safe. And don’t thank your mother!”

Kishen stepped out of his flat on the pretext of going for rehearsals. He made sure he heard Savitri walking away after locking the main door behind him. He then quietly and swiftly walked towards Usha’s flat, ensuring no one was around.

“God! Help me,” he prayed in his mind. Taking a deep breath, he quietly opened the door to Usha’s flat with his spare key. Kishen planned to enter Usha’s house before Usha or Ramesh woke up.

He hid inside Neetu’s room until he could witness the action again if it were to happen. He prayed that Usha aunty and Ramesh uncle were still asleep. He hoped Neetu be at her in-laws.

And execute the plan successfully he did!

Kishen got into Neetu’s room under her bed, beside the door frame. From the safe vantage point under, he could see through the passage leading up to Usha’s bedroom doorway. It was as though the beds in either room could see eye to eye had the door to Usha’s room been open.

“Man! I wish I knew about this place and view the last time they were at it,” Kishen thought as he began to wait from under Neetu’s bed. Lying on his chest, he was like a sniper without a rifle.

He couldn’t risk falling asleep under the bed, for he knew not if he would snore. He had packed a piece of cloth which he kept handy should he sneeze or cough. He dared not to eat, fearing he might choke or the smell might emanate. He double-checked his phone to be on silent.

He hadn’t planned further as to what he would do or how he would exit the home should nothing happen. He cursed himself for not planning through the long wait.

“Ding!” echoed the calling bell about 1.5 hours later. Kishen saw the door to Usha’s room open. And there stood his Usha aunty in a peach color nightie. Kishen could see the silhouette of her mature body underneath the nightie. Thanks to the morning sun rays that lit her room through her balcony.

He watched her yawn and scratched her groin from above the nightie before she proceeded to open the door. From Kishen’s vantage under the bed, she appeared to get bigger as she approached the doorway to Neetu’s room. Kishen couldn’t get enough of her sight and semi-loose “aunty” figure.

As she passed Neetu’s room, he could only hear her fading footsteps heading further through the passage to the living room. Looking back at Usha’s sunlit room, he could see the lungi-covered legs of Ramesh uncle—fast asleep.

Kishen listened to the sound of Usha opening the main door.

“Savi…why so early? Come in…” Kishen heard his aunty say.

Savi: I just wanted to wake you both early, so we don’t delay like last time.

“Wow! So it is happening!” rejoiced Kishen as he overheard the conversation.

Usha: (laughing) Isn’t it a little too early, you slut!

Just then, Kishen sees Ramesh uncle move from the bed, presumably from being awoken by their conversation.

“Saviiiii! Thank you for waking us up. We would have slept to the afternoon otherwise,” Ramesh spoke out loud, lying on the bed.

“No problem, Ramesh! Shave nicely…ok?” came the resounding reply from Savi, followed by Usha’s laugh.

“Done!” responded Ramesh.

Kishen listened as Savi left, and Usha closed the door after her. His heart started beating faster as he heard Usha’s approaching. He feasted on her gorgeous plump back. She stopped at her room’s doorway momentarily with hands crossed.

“Don’t go back to sleep again, Ramesh. Please wake up. Savi and Sunil will come by around 11. We have a lot to do. You clean the house while I cook. You also need to buy the stuff,” said Usha as she proceeded towards the bed.

Kishen looked at the time. It was just minutes past 8. “Three more hours to go,” he thought.

Throughout the time, Kishen witnessed Usha and Ramesh cuddling for a while. As though it was their morning routine to get charged up for the day. Kishen found it a little award to see them cuddling. He wasn’t used to the sight. He’d only been exposed to model figures doing it on TV.

Before him were two typical mature beings. Kishen didn’t find it any less lovely, though. He had glimpses of them whenever they came into his visual vicinity while carrying out their ablutions and setting up the room.

He saw Ramesh uncle dressing up to go out and coming out of the room, followed by Usha. They were going to the kitchen beside the living room. Kishen could hear them prepare and have breakfast in the kitchen while discussing what to prepare for lunch.

He heard Ramesh leave, followed by a seemingly endless sound of food preparation. At times he even thought of quickly sneaking out from under the bed. To kill time, he was desperate to get hold of one of Usha’s panties from her dirty laundry pile in the room adjacent to her bedroom. He dared not to.

His only respite was the occasional sweet sound of Usha humming melodies as she cooked. Just as Usha finished cooking, Ramesh returned with soda, whiskey, and cigarettes. Kishen watched the couple move the table on the passage into their room—the one that helped Kishen hide and watch the last time. They set up the liquor and accessories. Ramesh also tossed a few condom packs on the table while giving a naughty smile and looking at Usha.

“Shit! Now there is no table for me to get a closer view. But this place is much safer. And I can see pretty good, too,” Kishen thought.

While cleaning the house, whenever anyone of them approached closer to Neetu’s doorway, the fear of being caught would overwhelm Kishen. He would tuck further back into the walled corner under the bed. In time, Kishen finally saw the couple undress in their room.

“You proceed, babe. I’ll join in soon,” said Usha as she picked up their clothes and tossed them on the pile of dirty laundry. Kishen was fixated on Usha’s naked gorgeousness while she remained in his line of sight.

The sound of Ramesh turning on the shower from the attached bathroom in Usha’s room snapped Kishen into his senses. Open-mouthed, he watched Usha’s jiggling semi-sagging butt as she headed into the bathroom. He heard the sound of Usha closing the bathroom door in her room.

Knowing it would be a while before they bathed and came out, Kishen slid out from under the bed to take one of Usha’s panties. Unfortunately, just as he entered the room’s doorway, “Ding,” the calling bell rang.

Kishen looked at his watch. The time was 11:05! Alarmed, he rushed back to Neetu’r room and slid under the bed. Usha came out of her bathroom. She was all wet and wrapped in a towel. Kishen saw Usha walk toward the main door to answer the door.

As Kishen had guessed, it was his parents at the door. Sunil had brought a few beers and snacks. Usha asked to keep it in their fridge. He did as suggested but carried two cans in his hand. Usha welcomed them into her room. She said she and Ramesh would be back as soon as they bathed.

Kishen watched as Sunil and Savi sat on the bed, popping open a can each. As Sunil looked at the liquor set-up Usha and Ramesh had done, Savitri whispered something into Sunil’s ear with a playful smile. Listening to her, Sunil began smiling and nodding in agreement.

Kishen saw Savi and Sunil get up from the bed, keep their beer cans on the table and begin stripping. Kishen’s eyes widened as he watched his mom take the clothes and toss them into the adjacent room. They went back to sitting on the bed and sipping their beer.

Although Savi’s body wasn’t slim like models, it sure was well built compared to Usha. “Makes sense. Mom is younger than Usha aunty by a few years,” thought Kishen. He liked how her tits were still firm and less saggy. He noticed her tummy was rather plump.

His tool started rising, making him uncomfortable lying on his chest. But it seems he had no option but to endure and watch. A while later, a well-bathed Usha and Ramesh exited the bathroom.

They were pleasantly surprised to see Savi and Sunil naked and sitting on the bed, with legs spread and crossed, respectively. “I see we are taking things fast,” commented Ramesh as he and Usha wiped their naked bodies and each other’s with their towels.

Seeing his parents naked and ready for action with his former tuition teacher and her husband, Kishen’s heart started beating faster. With his eye still directed towards Usha’s room, Kishen lay on his side, resting his head on his folded elbow. Pushing his pants down a little, his other hand stroked his tool.

“So it begins!” Kishen said to himself as Usha and Ramesh tossed their towels on the bed.

“We haven’t got together this soon after a previous session,” said Ramesh. He proceeded to pour himself and Usha a drink, who stood in front of Savi and Sunil.

From under the bed, Kishen could see Savi (sitting cross-legged and drinking beer), Usha’s naked back, and three-forth of his dad. His dad leaned back with his hands supporting his upper body on the bed. After he placed, his cold beer can in his crotch.

Kishen noticed daddy sure was checking out Usha aunty from head to toe. Ramesh, who was fixing the drink standing near the table and away from the bed. He was out of Kishen’s visual vicinity.

“As if you’re not interested. Only I know how horny you are,” Usha replied to Ramesh, delighting everyone.

“I think the timing is perfect. Before the last time, we had to wait nearly a year. If we don’t count the threesomes that happened in between,” said Sunil, getting up and casually walking around, holding his beer can.

Usha occupied his place on the bed and sat next to Savi, facing her direction. Seeing the side-ish view of her left tit, Kishen began stroking harder.

“What to do? You, gentlemen, have been too busy. It is hard to get you two together,” responded Savi.

“C’mon Savi, you know I’m genuinely busy,” said Sunil. “Besides, I made time for today.”

“Yeah, right. You seem to be only interested in threesomes and more and not spend time with me alone,” Savi responded.

“Can’t blame him. Two is better than one,” Ramesh added as he stood around.

“Well, in that case, no threesomes from us until each of us ladies individually get to enjoy a threesome with you two men,” Usha suggested.

“I agree with her,” Savi added as she sat on the bed.

“We would have happily agreed to everything if we weren’t so busy with our lives,” said Ramesh as he emptied his glass and kept it on the table.

“That’s it! No more pegs or beers for at least 45 minutes,” Savi said to Ramesh. She finished her can and kept it on the floor beside the bed. Seeing Savi, Usha too gulped the rest of her drink and handed the empty glass to Ramesh to have him keep it on the table.

“Done with your beer, Sunil?” She asked, turning to Sunil.

“Just enough for a last sip,” responded Sunil. “Watch me sip it.”

Sunil proceeds towards Usha, hands over the can to Ramesh, and asks her to spread her legs on the edge of the bed. He kneels and brings his face closer to Usha’s pussy while firmly holding her bottom.

Ramesh carefully pours the beer over Usha’s semi-shaven pubes. Sunil licks it as it trickles to her clit.

“That’s a creative way to warm up. Oh yes. It feels so good,” moans Usha.

Kishen instinctively looks at his mother’s face to gauge her reaction. He sees her wearing a naughty smile, observing his dad lick Usha. Savi also glances at Ramesh a couple of times. She begins kissing Usha while her hands fondle Usha’s breasts and nipples.

After pouring the beer, Ramesh drags a chair and proceeds to sit and watch. Kneeling up on the bed, Savi pushes Usha’s shoulder, making her lie on her back while Sunil licks her. Seeing Savi gently sit on his wife’s face with her back facing him.

Ramesh, seated on the chair, slowly feels and strokes his tool. For some reason, Kishen begins to sync his stroking to Ramesh’s. Kishen could see how his mother’s bare back muscles twitched as Usha pleasured her.

He felt it particularly bemusing to see how her spine stretched and bent in response to Usha’s tongue strokes.

Usha begins moaning as Sunil starts to finger her as well. “The first loud moan,” Kishen thought.

Sensing Usha fingered by her hubby, Savi turns around, placing her knees next to either side of Usha’s chest. Giving a playful smile and look at Sunil and Ramesh, she leans forward to rub Usha’s clit. Returning the favour, Usha begins fingering Savi.

“Whoa…what a view! Keep increasing the heat. And I need not tell you not to cum,” said Ramesh stroking himself slowly on the chair.

“You to don’t cum by yourself, bro,” responded Sunil, resulting in a short, erotic giggle from the ladies, followed by their asynchronous moaning.

That was the first time Kishen heard his father call his friend “bro,” similar to how he addressed his friends. “The generation gap isn’t much after all,” Kishen thought, stroking himself, trying hard to do it slow like his Ramesh uncle.

“Stop, stop, stop,” Usha announced after a while, to withhold herself from cumming. Savi moved aside on the bed. Sunil got up from kneeling to pleasure Usha.

“Why do you have to force stop? Ladies can cum again and again and still go strong, right?” asked Ramesh.

“C’mon, Ramesh. Allow her to tease herself a little. We have a long day ahead of us,” Savi responded.

“Ok, then tease me with your tongue,” Ramesh responded.

Savi obeyed Ramesh uncle’s command and approached him with a playful smile on all fours like a cat. Kishen was as amused as he was horny. Savi wasn’t a strict mother. But Kishen had not known her to be that playful either.

Kishen watched Ramesh uncle’s hand bounce his mother’s head on his dick while she kept her hands behind her. And on the bed behind Savi, Usha, seated on edge, was blowing Sunil. He stood one foot on the bed and the other on the floor.

Her middle and ring fingers slid up and down his butt crack as she blew him, delivering just the right pressure across his hole. In sync with her rubs, Kishen clutch and release his butt-cheeks. He could hear himself breathe heavily in the echoing silence under the bed.

Soon, Usha’s saliva-soaked fingers finally entered Sunil’s hole. A jerking shiver went down his son’s body. Sunil’s groan came off as the next big moan registered in Kishen’s ears.

Hearing Sunil groan, Savi gave Ramesh a “would-that-be-enough?” look. She walked on her knees to face her husband’s bottom that Usha was fingering. Stopping Usha’s fingers with both her hands, she liked them clean. Having Sunil bend forward a little, she began tongue fucking him.

Usha’s fingers pressure-simulated the sensitive area between his hole and balls.

“Knowing I have the same inclination to butthole stimulation, would mom lick, finger, and tongue fuck me too?” Kishen thought momentarily. “What the fuck am I thinking?!”

Seeing Ramesh get up on the bed, Usha changed her position to doggy with her mouth. One hand still pleasured Sunil. “The fucking is what I missed seeing previously,” Kishen thought. Ramesh uncle positioned himself behind Usha, placed his dick in position and began pumping her while looking at Sunil.

As Ramesh’s thrusts gained momentum, Usha was immersed in the pleasure. She couldn’t keep up with blowing Sunil and finger-pleasuring him. She’d reached the point where she’d needed to support her body with both hands.

“Oh, I am going to cum. Switch-n-fuck please!” moaned Usha.

“What the fuck is switch-n-fuck?” wondered Kishen.

Hearing Usha, Savi instantaneously moved away from pleasuring Sunil. She moved back and sat on the chair. Kishen was startled by the sudden shift. And she wasn’t the only one acting fast. As though he had received a command, Ramesh quickly turned Usha around while she was still in doggy posture.

He positioned her butt on the edge of the bed so that he could fuck her standing. Sunil was standing watch right next to him. Kishen could feel an air of urgency had taken over the two men. They appeared to be exclusively focused on Usha.

Meanwhile, Savi spread her legs, rested them on the chair’s armrest, and began fingering herself. What Kishen saw next would mesmerize him.

Like clockwork, Ramesh and Sunil took turns pumping Usha, wasting no time while they switched. Kishen saw Ramesh fuck Usha for about 30-40 thrusts with his eyes closed. Before, he would abruptly move aside and make way for Sunil to pick up from where he left.

Like expert fuck-machines, even the pace of their thrusts increased in sync to bring Usha up to her orgasm. Kishen knew that what his dad and Ramesh uncle were doing was no easy task. He noted that with each successive turn, the duration of each men’s thrusts lessened.

However, his brain was too excited in visually perceiving the action rather than wondering why. An echoing orgasmic moan filled the room as Usha came explosively, shaking and squirting. “Moan #3,” Kishen thought. Savi jolted to lick Usha’s leaking post-orgasmic pussy.

Panting, Sunil and Ramesh looked at each other like two co-pilots who successfully took off and landed a plane. Recovering from the orgasm, Usha lay flat on the bed as Savi returned to sit on the chair. Kishen noticed the air calming down.

“Man! I never clenched my butt that hard in my life,” said Ramesh.

At that moment, Kishen was awestruck by the brilliance of switch-n-fuck. He realized his dad and Ramesh uncle were making Usha aunty cum without themselves risking cumming from continuous fucking. Kishen recollected he saw their butts clenched as they pumped Usha.

As a horny puberty-struck teenager, Kishen remembered “secretly” reading in the weekly sex column of the health magazine. It was about keeping the butt clenched while thrusting can further delay ejaculation in men.

“You’re gonna have to clench tighter when it is my turn,” responded Savi.

Kishen could sense a little impatience in his mom’s words. He realized the men hadn’t indulged with her yet.

“Sunil, fix me a drink while we wait,” said Savi.

Just then, the loud claps from the passage startled everyone, including Kishen. Usha sat up on the bed in a jiffy.

The group saw Neetu emerge from the passage. As Usha’s daughter, Neetu also had a spare key to her house. She’d entered the house a while back and had been watching them since.

To be continued. Send feedback to [email protected]

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