Seducing My Brother-in-law For My Needs

ilrum66 2017-03-03 Comments

Hi, this is ilrumjack here again. This is about a story long back in my life when I was brought into the world of sexual pleasures. I am not going to be presenting this story from my viewpoint. It is generally misconstrued by everyone that only men have carnal desires and they do anything for it. Hence, I am presenting this story from my bhabhi’s point-of-view. This is her version of how things led to her relationship with me. Here it goes, in her words:

Let me introduce myself. I am Radha and I was married with two kids back then. I was 25 years old with my son who was aged 6 and my daughter 4. I was happily married to Suresh and we used to live in a joint family with my in laws (FIL and MIL). There were also my brother-in-law and his family and another brother-in-law who was to get married soon. It was a pretty crowded scene at home with so many people.

Things were quite normal at home except for my relationship with my brother-in-law’s wife. She was a total bitch who got into arguments for all things and that made my life miserable. However, there was not much that I could do and life continued as is.

Meanwhile, my aunt (my dad’s youngest sister) and uncle who lived close to our place were moving to the Gulf as my uncle had got a good offer from there and they were to move in a month. They were living in a nice three bed apartment with their kids. They had two sons aged 20 and 14. While they were contemplating their move they were in a quandary – who will manage their kids while they are away?

One day my aunt spoke to me and asked me if I could move in to their apartment with my family. This way their kids could be taken care of. For me it was a boon from heaven. I could get out of this joint family, crowded situation and live peacefully without the constant tensions with my BIL’s wife. I spoke with my husband, Suresh and convinced him for this. He too agreed immediately as he knew the situation at home.

So, finally we moved to my aunt’s home and settled to a nice and peaceful life. Suresh and I now had enough opportunities for sex as there was a bedroom all to us at my aunt’s place and life was good. We settled down to our routine life at my aunt’s place.
After around six months my aunt visited us from the Gulf. It was good having her back, as I shared a very good rapport with her. While she was back, she wanted to get the home painted and she commissioned some painters for this job.

The painters then came and took over the house and it was quite a messy scene. Since it was a fully functioning house, the painters decided that they would take one room at a time and finish the work. This way we could keep the rest of the apartment functioning. Work used to happen from 10 in the morning and finish by 5 in the evening. Then both my aunt and me would try and clean the house so that the house is habitable in the evening and night.

On the 3rd day of the painting I was busy cooking lunch in the kitchen and the painters were in the hall painting and listening to music on their radio. My aunt was in her bedroom cleaning the room and folding the clothes that were dried. Mid-way through the cooking I took a break and went to speak with my aunt and give her company.

What I saw then completely blew my mind. I saw my aunt lying on the bed topless and the head painter, Anwar, standing next to her. I hid just by the door and looked at the sight before me. Anwar was pushing aunt’s sari up exposing her pussy. He then dropped his shorts and pulled down his brief. His dick sprang up straight. It was a sight.

Except for Suresh’s, I had never seen any other man’s tool before and my eyes were transfixed. Anwar was around 40 years old, and his dick was not very big, maybe around 4 Âœ inches, but it was circumcised. I had not seen one like this before.

He then grabbed my aunt’s boobs and began pressing them and aunt was enjoying it. My aunt had pretty big boobs and even at the age of 44, she was quite fit. She then held his dick in her hand and was drawing him to her pussy. She indicated him to come on top with her other hand.

Anwar then spread her legs and sat between them. He then slowly guided his dick inside my aunt’s pussy and I could see my aunt cry out. She kept her lips closed and did not make any noise. I was sure she wanted this to be a quiet session. He then began pumping her like crazy and went on and on. While he was pumping her, my aunt was thrashing her legs like crazy.

Seeing this I suddenly felt shaky and leaned on the wall to steady myself. After about 15 minutes of Anwar ramming her at full speed he let go and withdrew his dick from my aunt’s pussy and got up. I could see that my aunt too had come as her body shuddered and she was relieved.

I quickly walked away to the kitchen as I did not want my aunt to see me. I went to the kitchen and kept my eyes closed as I could not believe what I had just seen. I never imagined my aunt to turn out like this. She was such a pious woman, does puja every morning and she has turned out to be a cheater.

I could never imagine that she will ever cheat on her husband. I felt sorry for my uncle. I was caught in two minds – should I confront her later about this or should I let it be as it is. I decided then to let it be.

My aunt then came to the kitchen and behaved quite normal as if nothing had happened. We began chatting about other things and things were normal. We then had our lunch and my kids too came back from school and had lunch. The painters finished their work at 5 and left for the day.

We all had dinner at night and went to sleep. I could not sleep a bit that night. Whenever I closed my eyes all I could see was my aunt being rammed by Anwar and the way they were both enjoying. I was cursing my aunt in my mind about this whole act. How could she do this? And then act so normally with me.

But as the night passed, I realized that I was getting more excited than angry by the whole act of sex. So, I gently put my arms around Suresh and pressed myself against his body. I was excited and wanted him to fuck me. Suresh woke up angrily and pushed me away and asked me to go back to sleep. I felt completely dejected and tried to sleep.

The next day began as usual with just me and my aunt along with the painters at home. I was eagerly waiting to see what my aunt does. I was sure that she will again have sex with Anwar today. Though it was just 10.30 in the morning, I purposely moved to the kitchen on the pretext of cooking early. This left my aunt alone in the bedroom.

While I was in the kitchen, I could faintly see Anwar move to the bedroom. I realized that it would begin early today. I quietly followed him to the bedroom and stood hiding behind the door-sill.

I saw my aunt get up and Anwar held her from behind and began pressing her boobs. They were both standing and then he removed my aunt’s blouse and bra and threw it on the floor. He then dropped his shorts and brief. He then made my aunt bend over and pushed his dick into her from behind.

I was shocked. I had never seen anyone do it like this. It was always man on top position for me and Suresh. He was holding her boobs with his hands while he was ramming her.
Then led made her lay down on the bed and got on top of her. My aunt had her eyes closed and was enjoying his thrusts. After a long time of fucking, he released all his cum inside her and just lay on top of her.

After a few minutes my aunt opened her eyes. As she opened her eyes, she saw me staring at her. I had not realized that in wanting to see all the action, I had actually moved closer to the door and she could see me. She quickly pushed Anwar off her and began wearing her clothes.

I quickly ran back to the kitchen and was wondering what will happen. After some time I could see Anwar move to the hall and a little bit later my aunt came into the kitchen. She stood by my side and gently spoke with me. She said ‘Radha, what did you see?’ I was shocked, as I had to tell her that I saw her having sex with Anwar.

I said cautiously ‘I saw you and Anwar having sex aunty. Why are you doing this? It is very
wrong?’ She said ‘yes, I know Radha that it is wrong. But, I could not control myself. I am also a woman. I have not had sex for the last, maybe 12 years. Your uncle does not like to have sex. He is only interested in his work all the time. He even brings his work home and works till late night. I was feeling very lonely.’

I said ‘but, that does not mean that you can have sex with someone else. What if uncle got to know?’ She began slowly weeping and replied ‘I know I should never have done this, but I was desperate and I gave in to Anwar’s charm.

He was very kind the other day
he kept asking me, why I was so sad and all. He asked me if he can do anything that will make me happy. I felt that maybe I can fulfill my desires with him. So I told him. He agreed and said that he will not tell anyone.’

I was just gaping and listening to her. She said ‘Radha, I beg you
please don’t tell this to anyone
our family’s reputation will be finished
and I will be nowhere. Please.’ She was weeping profusely while talking to me. I felt sorry for her and said ‘ok aunty, I will keep it a secret
I will not tell anyone. Ok?’ She stopped crying after some time and then started helping me in cooking.

We had lunch later and both went to the bedroom to rest. We began chatting again and my aunt said ‘Unlike me, Radha, you are lucky
now that you are in this house your sex life must have improved.’ I said ‘Yes aunty. It was very difficult earlier as our home was very crowded. But it got better when we came here.’ She said ‘so, how many times you do it in a week?’

I said ‘when we came here, we did it almost every day for a month. It was great fun. But, after that it has become very less. In fact, it has been more than three months now since we have had regular sex. Once in a while he comes home and has sex with me and it is over in 2 minutes. It is over before I have enjoyed it. Maybe, Suresh is bored of me. Also, most days he comes home drunk, has dinner and is off to sleep. I think that he is not interested in having sex with me anymore.’

She said ‘all husbands are like that only. They want us to bear kids and then they are not interested in sex with us. Also, I think they are getting what they want elsewhere. Maybe, variety is what they seek. We are just the slaves for them. They do it with us when they don’t get someone else.’ I said ‘yes aunty, it could be like that. They don’t understand our needs at all. They are just bothered about their needs.’

Then we set about cleaning the rooms and the kids came home for lunch. My cousins too came back from their college in the evening and the day passed.

It was the next morning again and we were alone at home. The painters came, sharp at 10 am. Aunt was in the kitchen with me and I said ‘aunty
you are not going inside?’ She looked at me and in a sad tone asked me ‘can I, really?’ I said ‘If you have done it once then what is wrong in doing it again. You are enjoying it aunty, so please go, at least you have fun. I will not say anything to anyone.’

She turned to me and held my arms ‘Radha, you are so understanding. You are letting me enjoy life.’ I said ‘thanks aunty, please go.’

She left the kitchen and within a few minutes came back in. I said ‘what happened aunty
you are back.’ She said ‘can I ask you something Radha?’ I said ‘what aunty.’ She cautiously said ‘Radha, you too are starved of sex, right?’ I did not understand her. She continued ‘why don’t you also have sex with Anwar. He will satisfy your needs, dear.’

I was shocked and said ‘I can’t do this aunty.’ I wanted to tell her that I was not like her to get fucked by anyone and everyone, but I held back. She said ‘why Radha, there is nothing wrong. You only told me that Suresh does not care about you and your needs.

He does not have sex with you when you need it and also that he may very well be getting it elsewhere. So, why should you not have your share of enjoyment too?’
I said ‘but, it is wrong aunty.’ She said ‘there is nothing wrong. If they can do it, we too can.’ I said ‘But
I am scared aunty
what will happen if someone comes to know.’ She said ‘how will anyone know. It will be our own secret.’

She then approached me and took my arm and slowly pulled me to her bedroom. Though I was not wanting to, I allowed her to take me to her room. I was scared, but at the same time a bit aroused too. We entered her bedroom and Anwar was waiting for us there. He looked at me and grinned. I could see the lust on his face. I was embarrassed by it.

Aunt said ‘Anwar
she too wants pleasure
today let her first enjoy with you
I will stand at the door and watch.’ I blurted out immediately ‘no aunty, you do it first
please.’ My aunt then smiled and said ‘ok I will go first.’

She then walked to Anwar, who had by the dropped his shorts and brief. I could see his dick pointing upwards. Aunt went and held his dick and removed her blouse and bra. She then lay down on the bed and Anwar spread her legs and began pumping her. My pussy was getting wet watching all this. I was somehow waiting for my turn.

After about 15 minutes, Anwar let out a grump and settle down on aunt’s body. He then withdrew and looked at me. His dick was slowly shrinking in size. Aunt got up and wore her clothes. She then moved towards me and asked me to go to the bed. I slowly walked towards the bed and Anwar.

As I reached him, he held my hand and placed it on his dick and said ‘hold my dick and shake it.’ I reluctantly held his dick which was soft and began shaking it slowly. He said ‘faster bitch
faster.’ I increased my speed and his dick sprang up hard. His dick was almost the same size as my husband’s but it was slightly thinner but I did not care. He was happy and he said ‘now I am ready for you.’

He removed my blouse and threw it down and began pressing my boobs over my bra. He was harsh with it but I liked it. He then pulled down my bra in a jiffy and grabbed my boobs. I don’t have big boobs like my aunt’s but they were nice and well-shaped 34s. He began pressing them and said ‘aunty
your niece is lovely
she is a young and a sexy mall.’

My aunt laughed and said ‘yes
I can see.’ He made me lie down and pushed my sari upwards revealing my pussy. He looked at it and began moving his hands over it. I was now beyond control and was really enjoying this. He kept rubbing my pussy vigorously and I was getting really excited. I put all fear out of my mind and said ‘fuck me Anwar

He said ‘yes’ and jumped over me and thrust his dick inside my pussy in one single stroke. It pained me when he entered but I just bit my lips and let him inside. Then he began his thrusts and I was holding on to him and making him come deeper inside. I came very quickly as I was probably just waiting for this moment.

He continued for a long time. I grabbed his butt and was matching his movements. After
about 20 mins of him pumping, his body shuddered and he came inside me. I could feel a lot of juices entering my pussy and was happy about it. I had come twice during this act and this had never happened to me. I was completely drained. He gave me a kiss on my lips and got up.

We both wore our clothes and aunt came to me and said ‘did you enjoy it Radha?’ I said ‘yes aunty very much.’ She said ‘see what you were missing
now we can both enjoy for some more days, right.’ I said ‘yes aunty, we should.’
We cleaned up the room went back to our work. This had now become our game every day.

Once, even after our morning act, Anwar came to me in the kitchen and began pressing my boobs holding me from behind. I was worried that the other painters will see this. He then dragged me to a corner of the kitchen where we were hidden from the door and dropped his bottoms.

He pushed me down on my knees and thrust his dick inside my mouth. Being from a conservative family, this was completely new for me. I had never taken a dick in my mouth. He held my head and kept pushing his dick in and out of my mouth slowly and then he increased his speed.

He was treating my mouth as my pussy and finally he shot his cum inside my mouth. I was repulsed by this and withdrew my mouth. But, he held me tight and made me swallow his cum. He smiled at me and whispered to me ‘liked it kya bitch.’ Actually, I had enjoyed this act as I had never done it before, so said ‘yes very much.’ He then let go of me and went outside the kitchen.

I stood up and realized that I was now being treated to different kinds of sexual acts. I felt that I was now exploring the complete ritual of sex. I had already learnt about missionary position, the doggy style from behind and today dick sucking. I now wanted to learn more and more.

The work would have taken 15 more days but I and my aunt wanted it to continue for more. We, in fact, asked Anwar to slow down the work so that we could enjoy some more
days with him. He extended it by another 5 days.

One such day, Anwar landed at home at 9 in the morning, well before the other painters. Both, I and my aunt were excited. There was no one else at home and we could have a lot of fun. Each time when had sex we used to be wearing our saris but today we decided to go completely nude. We stripped ourselves in the bedroom and asked Anwar also to strip completely.

We asked Anwar to lie down on the bed and then we attacked him. I was the first as I grabbed his dick and began massaging it. My aunt too tried to grab his dick. After a bit of massaging, I took his dick in my mouth. Seeing this, my aunt was angry and said ‘what you get it first or what?’ I continued sucking. Anwar then dragged my aunt and asked her to sit on his mouth. He began licking aunt’s pussy and making sounds.

I was very excited as I now wanted my pussy licked too. I pulled my aunt down and asked her to suck and she gladly obliged. I moved myself to Anwar’s mouth and gave him my pussy. He held my thighs and pulled me down and began licking my pussy. I was ecstatic.

He then put his finger inside my pussy and then his tongue and began vigorous licking. I could not control and had an orgasm. My juices came down and he was kicking it.
He then gently pushed me down and made aunt let go of his dick. He slid me over his dick and asked me to come down on his dick. I guided his dick inside my pussy and sat on it. It was a great feeling. I felt like I was in command now and he asked me to pump. I came up and down on his dick and was enjoying this position. I came again and then he slid me off.

He asked my aunt then to climb him. Aunt was to do this and soon she was riding him with her boobs swaying up and down. While she was riding him, Anwar pulled me to him and began sucking my boobs. After my aunt rode him for 15 minutes he came and shot his load inside her. I too had come one more time while he sucked my nipples.

We were all completely tired by this session and lied down on the bed for some time. My aunt said ‘I am so sad that this will end soon as the work will be over.’ Anwar said ‘I can always come here when there is no work, right.’ My aunt immediately replied ‘no, you will not do that. We have had this fun while you were here on work. It can’t be done later. You will have to forget about this. Only that way, will this remain a secret. Understood.’ He said ‘ok aunty
I understand. I have had my fun. I will not come back.’

Finally one day the work was over and the painters left. It was sad, but it had to end somewhere.

By this time my aunt and I had further strengthened our bond as we shared a real shady secret between us. My aunt too had to go back to the Gulf. So she left after another 10 days. Before leaving she made me sit down and had a long chat.

She said ‘Radha, what we have done was wrong, but it filled us with joy. But, we have to keep this a secret all our life, ok.’ I said ‘I understand aunty it will always be a secret between us.’ She then said ‘See, I will be away, but Anwar may try and come home
you have to be very careful…never let him enter the house
or else everything will be spoilt.’ I said ‘yeah, I know
I will ensure that it never happens.’

After she left, life was back to normal for me at home.

As days passed by, I would always keep thinking of the sessions that I had with Anwar and feel content. But, somewhere I was feeling the need for sex more and more and Suresh was completely useless at this. He kept shrugging me off. I then realized that this was how it was meant to be and settled down to my boring life.

My cousin Ramesh, the older one, had meanwhile finished his college and taken up a specialization course in the evening. So he used to be at home till 4 in the evening and then go for his course. So it was basically just him and me at home till around 2, when my kids got back from school. He was a quiet and timid guy. Always kept to himself, reading some books through the day.

One morning I went to wake up Ramesh at 8 am. My husband, kids and my other cousin had left home by then. When I reached his bed, I was shocked to see a tent formed down below. I could see that Ramesh had an erection, with the tent forming in his pajamas.
I stopped and gazed at it. To verify this, I gently touched his tent and felt a hard rod. I was surprised, as I had not realized that he was now 20 years old. He always seemed like a kid to me and I treated him as such.

I then woke him up and he got up and went to brush his teeth. I went off to the kitchen to make coffee for him.

I gave him the coffee and returned to the kitchen. I had to prepare breakfast for Ramesh, but my mind kept going back to Ramesh’s hard one. I could still feel it on my fingers, but shrugged off such thoughts and continued with preparing breakfast.

I went and gave Ramesh his breakfast and then went for my bath. While bathing I actually used the jet spray on my pussy. My sexual instincts were rekindled. This was the first time I had done it and it somehow brought me some pleasure and I came. I finished my bath and then then went about cooking lunch.

Ramesh meanwhile had finished his breakfast and was as usual reading his novel. I saw him and how much ever I tried I could not stop thinking about his dick. I had tasted blood with Anwar and was missing sex very badly. I began to think of the possibility of getting Ramesh to bed me.

But, I knew it would be very difficult. He was a timid guy and did not speak much. Also, he was grown up enough and would have a mind of his own. If it went wrong, he could also tell Suresh about it.

So, I let it lie and carried on with my work. Ramesh later went for his bath and came out wearing just a towel. This is how he is normally, but today I began noticing him, hiding from the kitchen. I could see his bare back and the towel tight around his waist. I could make out the shape of his butt. They were nice and round. My breathing was getting faster and dirty thoughts entered my mind. Ramesh was not of great build, but he was 5.5, dusky and had a lean body – no extra fat anywhere.

I saw him wear his brief from under his towel. He then removed the towel and was in his brief only. I could make out that his dick was normal as there was no bulge. But I was excited. I began wondering – his routine was always the same every day, but I had never watched him like this.

In fact, I had seen him in his brief many times and have chatted with him too while he was in that state after bath. Neither I nor he was ever embarrassed about it – it was very natural. However, today, I was feeling very conscious about seeing him with only his brief on.

I then retreated into the kitchen and continued with preparing lunch. But, my mind was wavering. So I planned to test him and see if he is even interested.
The day passed and I was planning on a way to figure out how to check out Ramesh’s interest levels. And I hit upon a wicked plan.

The next morning after all the rest had left home I went to wake up Ramesh as usual. I first checked for his hard one and found that again this morning it was hard and erect. I slowly touched it without waking him up and held onto it for some time. I was getting goose pimples all over so I let go and woke him up.

I was now completely convinced that somehow I had to get back my sex life. And I have to get Ramesh into the bed with me for that. He brushed his teeth and was waiting for his coffee. He was sitting on his bed reading the newspaper. I prepared coffee and took it to him. While giving him his coffee I intentionally spilt some of it on the floor.

I said ‘oh no
let me clean the cup and bring it back Ramesh.’ He said ‘ok bhabhi.’ I went back and cleaned the cup and also brought a cleaning cloth to wipe the floor. I gave him the coffee and bent down on my knees to clean the floor.

While cleaning the floor my pallu by intent shifted and my cleavage was clearly visible to him. I did not bother straightening my pallu or looking up and continued to clean the floor. I then went and washed the cloth in the basin and again came back with the cloth.
Ramesh looked at me with coffee in his hand. I bent down again and swept the floor slowly with the cloth. I could now see from the corner of my eyes that he was stealing glances at my cleavage.

I returned to the kitchen feeling a bit successful at my attempt. I was now sure that he at least is interested in seeing my cleavage. So he is not one of those prim guys who will not see such things of his bhabhi. I could now proceed further with my plans. I was now hell bent on getting laid by Ramesh.

I then went for my bath. Normally, I always used come out completely dressed after my bath. But, today I decided to try out something towards my quest. I finished my bath and wore my clothes, but not my blouse. I had my bra on and draped my pallu over my shoulder and hung the blouse too over my shoulder and came out of the bath.

The bathroom door’s position was such that it faced Ramesh’s bedroom. As I came out I saw him sitting on his bed and reading the newspaper. I quietly walked towards my bedroom. I knew I was exposing my bra strap and my half-naked back while I was walking away from him. I walked into my bedroom and switched on the light as I had shut all the doors and windows before going for my bath.

I stood in front of my cupboard which had a full length mirror on one of the doors. I dropped my pallu exposing my complete back and was facing the mirror. I could see a shadow at my door and realized that Ramesh was peeping into the room. I acted normal, took my time adjusting my bra and then wore my blouse.

I then moved away from the cupboard and realized that Ramesh had vanished back to his bedroom. I was very happy that my plans were moving ahead.

I was then waiting to see him after his bath. He had his bath as usual and was wearing his brief in his room. But, today, the front of his brief was bulging. I could see that he was excited and had a hard on. He then wore his pajamas and vest and I could not see much.
The day somehow passed and I did not get any further chances to seduce him.

The next day, after his breakfast I went to take a bath and I could see that he was looking at me entering the bath from the corner of his eyes. I finished my bath with great anticipation. Today, I did not wear my bra either and draped both my bra and blouse over my shoulder and the pallu over it. I came out and walked towards my room and switched on the light. I could sense that he was following me.

I went to the cupboard and facing the mirror, dropped my pallu. In the mirror, I could see Ramesh crouching at the door and watching me and my boobs in the mirror. I then slowly removed the towel I had tied around my head and bent down to dry my wet hair.
This way my boobs were hanging down and I knew it will excite him. Which man did not get excited by seeing hanging dollies, right? I took my time slowly drying my hair and then stood up straight and facing the mirror dried my boobs.

I gently robbed my nipples and they perked up. I knew Ramesh was seeing all of this in the mirror. I then wore my bra and blouse and opened the cupboard. I could see Ramesh retreat to his room, now that the show was over.

I was terribly excited that he was falling into my trap. I wanted to completely get him in my control so that he will never refuse my advances.

I again waited for him to take his bath and watched him change into his brief. It was again bulging in the front and it strengthened my resolve to continue.

The next day again I went for my bath and as the earlier day, came out without wearing my blouse and bra. I also had decided not to wear my petticoat. I had just draped my sari without my petticoat. I could see that he was waiting for me to come out.

I moved to my room and stood in front of the cupboard. I dropped my pallu revealing my upper body and dried myself with the towel. I could see that Ramesh was crouched way below at the door-sill making it difficult for me to spot him. He was very smart, but I was enjoying this.

I then opened the cupboard and pulled out a petticoat. Now Ramesh could not see my boobs as the cupboard doors were open. I then slowly removed my sari and was fully nude. I first began drying myself with the towel. The fan was off in the room, so I turned and walked towards the door to switch on the fan. I could make out that Ramesh had withdrawn a little to avoid being spotted.

I calmly came back to the centre of the room and stood under the fan and dried myself up. My whole body was now exposed to Ramesh. I kept turning around so that he could get to see me completely. While I was doing this I could feel wet down in my pussy.
After a few minutes, I returned to the cupboard and finished my act by wearing my clothes. He retreated to his room. His situation was the same after bath with a large bulge in the front.

The next day, I decided that I will complete my seduction and fuck Ramesh. I could no longer control my desires.

I went for my bath and while at the bath, I also shaved my pussy with Ramesh’s razor. I knew that Ramesh was a virgin and I wanted him to have a fresh pussy. It also felt very clean and nice with all the hair gone. I stepped out like the earlier day with only my sari on and reached my room.

I repeated the act of yesterday but at a slower pace so that he could savour my body and make him desperate for it. I completed the act and went to the kitchen to prepare food.
Now, I too was getting desperate and could wait no longer. I had to get him today.

So, after his bath, he was in his room. I waited for him to wear his brief. He was facing away from the door. I walked up to his room and leaned on the door-sill. I asked him ‘Hey Ramesh, what will you have for lunch.’ He was a bit shocked and did not turn towards me, but said ‘whatever bhabhi.’

I said ‘tell me na, I can’t figure out what to make. It is the same thing every day. I want to try something new. Tell me what you like?’ He was still facing the other way and said ‘whatever bhabhi
make whatever you like. I will have it.’

I said ‘What happened Ramesh why are you not even looking at me while I am talking to you.’ He said ‘nothing, just like that.’ I was toying with him ‘hey turn around and talk to me pa.’ He slowly turned and his hands were covering his dick.

I said ‘why are you covering yourself.’ He said ‘I am only in my undies, bhabhi.’ I said ‘Come on Ramesh, this is not the first time. I have seen you in your undies so many times, da.’ He said ‘nothing bhabhi, it is ok. I am feeling odd.’ I said ‘Take your hands off. What is happening to you today? Why are you behaving like this? Why are you so shy, I am your bhabhi da?’

But, he did not take his hands off. I then went towards him and pulled his hands apart. I then saw a huge bulge below. His brief was straining against his erect dick. He was embarrassed that I had seen this. He said ‘sorry bhabhi, sorry.’

I empathized with him and said ‘why are you sorry Ramesh. This is natural for anyone.’ He did not say anything. I continued playing with him ‘so
what, you must have been thinking of your girlfriend while taking your bath, were you?’ He said ‘no, no.’ I said ‘don’t lie to me. You were dreaming about your girlfriend na? That’s why this has happened.’

He said ‘no babhi, I have no girlfriend. It just happened.’ I said ‘since when has this been happening to you?’ He said ‘just for the last week or so bhabhi, I don’t know why. It has never happened before.’ I said ‘it’s ok, it happens
tell me, you don’t have a girlfriend. You have grown up now. Why, Ramesh?’ He said ‘just like that. I have not been able to get a girlfriend.’ I said ‘it’s ok. You will get one soon. Don’t’ worry.’

I then continued pointing at bulge ‘so, what are you going to do about this?’ He said ‘nothing
after some time it becomes alright. I will be ok.’ I said ‘that’s not right Ramesh
you should never do that.’ He said ‘Why bhabhi. That’s what I do every time. It becomes normal after some time.’

I now had my chance, so I said ‘Ramesh the right way to solve this problem is that you let it off.’ He said ‘let what off bhabhi.’ I said ‘see
this happens when your body is sexually excited and that forms sperms in your testicles. You have to throw those sperms off at that time or else your tubes will get blocked with the old sperms. That will be very bad for you.’ He said ‘I did not know that bhabhi. How do I throw off these sperms?’

I now realized that he had never shagged before and did not know anything about jerking off. He was so naĂŻve. But, I also was feeling that I could now have a guy who had not even shagged before. I was overly excited. But I continued to play with him.
I told him ‘what you do not know how to get the sperms off? You have discussed this with your friends?’ He said ‘no bhabhi, I don’t know. I don’t discuss these things with my friends.’ I then relented and said ‘Ok I will show you how to do it. Will you do it?’ He said ‘ok bhabhi, please show me.’

I asked him ‘first, remove your brief and sit down on the bed.’ He was hesitating and said ‘how can I take my brief off in front of you bhabhi.’ I said ‘if you don’t take it off how can I help you. You don’t need to be shy of me. I am your bhabhi, da.’ So I put my hands on the sides of his brief and pulled it down.

He tried covering his dick but I moved his hands aside. What I saw blew me off. Suresh and Anwar were just puny in front of Ramesh. In body size they were much taller and broader, but when it came to the size of their dicks, Ramesh was way ahead.

His dick was around 6.5’ long and had a very good girth. It was like a thick cucumber. He too was circumcised and its head was nice and bulby. He had a little growth of hair around his dick, nice soft virgin hair.

I was in a daze looking at it and Ramesh asked me ‘what are you looking at bhabhi?’ I said ‘nothing
it is just that you have been given a nice tool to satisfy your girlfriend or your wife.’ He did not say anything. I continued ‘ok, now sit on the edge of the bed, please.’ He sat down with his dick pointing towards me.

I told him ‘now hold it with your hand.’ He held his dick in his hand. I said ‘now shake it with your hand.’ He began shaking it, but doing it all wrong. He was holding his dick and shaking it up and down and not really shagging. I said ‘you are doing it all wrong.’ I then sat in front of him on the floor and held his dick.

I could feel the thickness and the heat it had. I then tickled his hair a little bit and then moved my hand up and down on his dick and said ‘see, you have to do it like this’ and removed my hand. He said ‘ok bhabhi.’ He then held his dick like I had told him to and began slowly shagging.

He kept doing it and I was mesmerized by the motions and was watching him. After some time he said ‘bhabhi
I feel that something is going to come out
what should I do?’ I said ‘ok stop your hands now
and wait.’ He stopped and waited. I then said ‘now begin again
and this time move your hands faster and faster.’

He held his dick and began vigorous shagging motions. After some time he said ‘bhabhi
something is happening
something is happening.’ I said ‘don’t worry and don’t stop
continue doing it.’

He continued for a bit longer and shot out his load of cum. He shot his cum right on my face and cleavage. I said ‘continue doing it
keep going
don’t stop till every drop is outside.’ He continued shagging and let out spurts of cum all over me again and then finally let go of his dick.

I was drenched in his cum and said ‘now
Ramesh, how does it feel?’ He said ‘bhabhi
I feel relieved. But, what is this white thing which has come out? I thought I was going to pee.’ I laughed and said ‘Ramesh, these are your sperms and that is what makes babies, da.’ While I was saying this his dick had settled down and gone small.

I said ‘now you have completely drenched me with your sperms’ and started wiping my face with my sari. He said ‘I am sorry
I did not know.’ I then removed my blouse saying ‘my blouse is also wet with it.’ As I removed my blouse I could see that he was staring at my cleavage.

I wanted to remove my bra too and show my boobs to him so I said ‘ohh
even my bra is wet
I have to change that too.’ And I removed my bra in front of him. I was still sitting on the floor in front of him and was topless. I slowly began removing his cum from my neck and was to go further down to my cleavage. He was watching my boobs with rapt attention.

I said ‘now Ramesh, you have spilt it, you only remove it.’ And I gave my pallu to him to wipe me off. He held the pallu and began cleaning me and reached my cleavage and stopped. I said ‘what happened Ramesh, why have you stopped?’ He did not say anything. I said ‘what, you have never seen breasts?’ He shook his head.

I said ‘no problems, I am your bhabhi
clean my breasts
you will feel nice.’ I held his hand and moved it over my boobs. I was completely wet in my pussy already and wanted him badly. He was moving his hands over my boobs and suddenly I saw that his dick was again getting up. It slowly became hard and was pointing upwards.

I said ‘what Ramesh, again it has happened.’ He looked at his dick and said ‘I don’t know how bhabhi, it suddenly has become like this again. You told me that once I let off I will be alright. But it has happened again. What should I do now?’ I said ‘Ramesh, you should have really let it off completely. Not half.’ He protested ‘I did not let off half. It was all I could.’

I said ‘I then think Ramesh, that what you need is a girlfriend. Your own hand is not working at all.’ He said ‘I don’t have a girlfriend bhabhi, I told you. Where will I get a girlfriend?’ I said ‘ok then, I will become your girlfriend now, ok.’ He said ‘how can you be my girlfriend. You are my bhabhi and my cousin brother’s wife.’

I said ‘So what? Your bhabhi can’t be your girlfriend, can she?’ He said ‘no
how can you
and also you are older to me.’ I said ‘hey listen
let me be your girlfriend and since I am older I can teach you everything.’ He said ‘teach me what?’ I said ‘teach you things like how control that properly.’ He said ‘can you?’ I said ‘try me.’

I said ‘I will show you now. Come lie down on the bed.’

He lay down on the bed and I removed my sari and petticoat and was nude. He was just watching me. Then I went and straddled him over his waist. I took his hands and placed them on my boobs and said ‘press these Ramesh
you will like it
come on.’ He began pressing them gently. I then asked ‘Hold my nipples between your fingers and squeeze them.’ He did that too and that felt very good.

I went down and held his dick and began moving my hands over it, playing with it. I asked him ‘you like this?’ He said ‘yes.’ I then bent down and kissed his dick. He said ‘what are you doing.’ I said ‘it is so lovely
felt like kissing it. See
I will do more.’

Then I completely took his dick in my mouth and began sucking it.’ I was a nice think rod which was so appetizing that I wanted to permanently keep it in my mouth and keep sucking it. I withdrew after some time and asked him ‘you liked this?’ He said ‘yes, bhabhi, it was very nice.’ I said ‘this is what you should want your girlfriend to do, ok.’

I then took his hand and made him feel my pussy. I said ‘rub your hand over it nicely
she is yours now.’ He began rubbing his hand over my pussy and then I guided one of his fingers inside my hole. He said ‘bhabhi
it is very smooth and warm.’ I said ‘yeah
that is the hole you have to put your dick in, ok.’ He said ‘ok
show me.’

I lifted myself up and then slowly guided his dick inside my pussy and sat on him to get it all inside. It was thicker and bigger than anything I had, so it pained a bit, but was filling me up nice and tight. As I sat on him I was thrilled.

I then began riding him slowly. I wanted to take control of him so I rode and stopped and then again repeated the same. He was enjoying it and I could see it on his face. He said ‘bhabhi, it is feeling hot inside.’ I said ‘yes, it will feel hot
you liking it?’ He said ‘yes, very much.’

I asked him then ‘Ramesh, keep pulling my boobs when I ride you, ok.’ He said ‘yes.’ I rode him and he kept pulling my boobs. After some time I got off and he had not yet come.
So i told him ‘ok
 now you get up.’ I made him get up and then I lied down on the bed. I asked him ‘now, come.’ I held his hand and brought him in between my spread legs. I asked him ‘sit here between my legs.’ He sat down. I told him then ‘ok now keep your hands next to my chest on both sides and get on your knees.’

He was on his knees with his hands beside me. I then held his dick and brought him forward to my pussy. I said ‘now Ramesh, you are going to put your dick inside my pussy, same like what I did on top of you. You will do it, right’ He said ‘Yes, I will do it.’

He brought his dick towards my pussy and gently began pushing it inside. He was all in and then I asked him to pump me. He began his thrusts and I started shouting ‘yes
do it
do it
yesss. Please pump harder
.and harder
I brought him forward and asked him ‘kiss me Ramesh
kiss me.’ He held my head and brought his lips closer and kissed me. I held his head and locked my lips with his. And we began kissing deeply while he continued his pumps.

I was playing with his tongue and he was playing with mine and after a very long time he shot his load inside me. He kept shooting his load for quite a few thrusts and then I realized the strength of a young man.

Not just did Ramesh have the best dick, at least as far as I knew, but he also had the stamina and the strength to go for long. I completely loved this session and I had lost count of the number of times I had come.

I relaxed with Ramesh on top of me and asked him ‘Ramesh, how did you like your girlfriend?’ He said ‘bhabhi
I am lucky to have a girlfriend like you. You are wonderful and you have such a good body.’ I said ‘so
you have managed to get this body that you have been watching for the last so many days, huh.’ He was embarrassed and said nothing.

I continued ‘I knew you were watching me change every day. You were watching, right.’ He said ‘yes, bhabhi
I had never seen anyone nude, so I was trying to see what a woman was like.’ I said ‘so you liked what you saw.’ He said ‘bhabhi, you know, my dick was becoming hard only after I started seeing you like that. I did not know what happened, but it happened.’

I said ‘it is natural
that means you have a good sex instinct.’ He said ‘but, bhabhi, can I ask you something?’ ‘Yes, surely’ I said. He said ‘yesterday you had a lot of hair on your pussy, but today there is no hair.’ I laughed ‘yes, I shaved all my hair for you. I wanted you to enjoy with a clean-shaven girlfriend.’

He was surprised ‘so, bhabhi, you knew that you will become my girlfriend today, did you.’ I accepted ‘yes, I have wanted to be your girlfriend for the last two weeks, Ramesh.’ He asked ‘why bhabhi, did you not think this was wrong
you becoming my girlfriend. What will Suresh bhaiyya say?’

I said ‘Ramesh, I had seen your hard one the other day when you were sleeping and then I thought that I you would make a very nice boyfriend.’ He said ‘so you planned this whole thing, is it?’ I said ‘yes, you think I should not have done it?’ He said ‘no, no. I was thinking that if you wanted to do this why did you not just ask me?’ I said ‘what? Would you have agreed, if I just came and asked you to be my boyfriend and do all this?’ I said ‘yeah, I may not have agreed as you were my bhabhi and I would not want to betray Suresh bhaiyya.’

I said ‘Your Suresh bhaiyya
he does not want me
so why are you bothered
he has got his kids and now he just wants his drinks. I am nothing to him.’ I said ‘that’s so sad bhabhi. Suresh bhaiyya must be mad. You have such a beautiful body and he does not want it.’ I said ‘but it is his loss
I have you now na.’

He said ‘but, bhabhi, you will continue to be my girlfriend na, or you will leave me.’ I said ‘don’t worry Ramesh I will always be your girlfriend. But, nobody should know about this. If they know, we will be finished.’ I said ‘thanks bhabhi, I will keep this a complete secret.’
We both then got off and I went to clean myself in the bathroom. He too came to the bathroom and said ‘bhabhi, can we take a bath together, please?’ I said ‘sure, come inside.’ He came inside and we both stood under the shower and he started applying soap on my body and I felt I was in heaven. He was rubbing soap over my boobs and then moved down to my pussy and built up lather.

I then took the soap and began applying it all over his body. I pinched his nipples and he got goose pimples all over his body. I reached down and began applying soap around his dick. I rubbed the soap on his hair around his dick and worked up a good lather and then began using that lather to rub his limp dick.

I was surprised that his limp dick was only around 2 inches long and thin. Gosh the size that it grows into was unbelievable. As I kept lathering his dick he was washing my boobs. I said ‘Ramesh, why don’t you suck my boobs?’ He said ‘can I, will there be milk.’

I laughed and said ‘baby
you don’t know anything at all
there will be milk only when I deliver a baby. Not now.’ He suddenly was a bit shocked ‘Bhabhi, will you become pregnant with my baby
you said that sperms will make the baby?’ I said ‘yeah, sperms will make babies, but two kids for me were enough. So I have done an operation and will not have babies now. We are safe.’ He was relieved and said ‘that’s good, otherwise it would have been a problem.’

He then began sucking my boobs under the shower and I told him ‘suck my nipples and bite them.’ He bit my nipple and I shrieked ‘gentle baby, gentle, not so hard.’ He understood and began gently biting my nipples and I had my hand down under massaging his dick. He started getting hard and straight. I was wondering, within an hour this was the third time he was hard.

I looked at it and said ‘what Ramesh, you have not had enough? Again you are hard.’ He said ‘yes bhabhi, let us do it again. You have made me mad, now
I want your pussy again.’ I said ‘take my as many times you want Ramesh, I too want it again.’

I just went down and began sucking his dick and he held my head and kept pushing his dick deeper and deeper. I was chocking but, enjoying it. He then pushed me on the floor of the bathroom and came down on me. He thrust his dick with al force inside my pussy and began pumping me. I could see that he had learnt very fast and was in control.

I wrapped my legs behind his back and moved along with him in his thrusts and he increased his speed. This went on for quite a long time but he did not reduce his speed. I thought that he will tear my pussy now and asked him to stop. But, he did not relent and continued his thrusts. Combined with the soap and water and the thrusts we were making loud sounds inside the bathroom and this was exciting us further.

He kept on and on and finally with one jerk he came. He stopped and I thought it was finally over. He then again began his thrusts and kept shooting his cum inside me. I was shrieking with pleasure and dug my nails into his back. I wanted to tear his skin off his back, but finally he let go and he bent down and gave me a long kiss.

He withdrew and said ‘bhabhi
I love you very much. I wish I could marry you. Then we can continue doing this the whole day and night.’ I said ‘we don’t’ need to be married Ramesh, we can still have this every day.’

He said ‘but, in the night Suresh bhaiyya will be there, how can we do it?’ I said ‘don’t worry, I will try and sneak out from my bed in the night and we can do it in your bedroom. I will then go back to sleep with Suresh.’ He said ‘will it be possible?’ I said ‘yes let me try tonight.’ He said ‘fine’.

We finally really washed up and got dressed. We were in time for the kids to come home. Things were normal till the night when Ramesh got back from his classes. I saw him and he looked knowingly at me as I opened the door for him. He came inside and behaved quite normal.

Suresh, as usual had come home after drinks. We all had dinner and crashed in our respective rooms at 10.30 pm. I could not sleep at all. I waited till 1.30 in the night and saw that all were fast asleep. I slowly got up from my bed and slipped out of my bedroom. I walked in to Ramesh’s bedroom and sat on his bed and put my hands over him. He was wide awake and waiting for me.

He pulled me to him and began kissing me. We kept kissing like lovers who have met after a long time. Then he undressed and I too pulled out my bra and blouse. He wanted me to take off my sari. I softly said ‘don’t take off the sari
someone could come
so just pull it up.’ He said ‘ok.’

I then went down and he came on top of me. We began fucking like mad and he said ‘bhabhi
this is really great
you are my love and will always be my love.’ I hugged him tight and we fucked till he came. I too had come many times and then I slipped out of his room and went off to sleep in mine.

Morning came and all the others left home as usual and my drive was up again. I wanted to fuck Ramesh again. He had made me mad for his dick and went to his room. He was sleeping soundly and I slowly pulled out his pajamas and his brief but he did not get up.
I realized that he must be tired with all the action of yesterday and last night. His dick was in normal state, small and limp. I took off my clothes and lied down next to him and hugged him. I too fell asleep hugging him.

We both got up after some an hour or so and we kissed. I went down and began licking his dick and it was up like a steel rod. I laughed and said ‘ready for action baby.’ He said ‘yes bhabhi fit and ready to go.’

I was so desperate that I wanted to get him to do all the things possible. Like there was no tomorrow. I kept licking his dick and then pulled out his shirt and began biting his nipples. He held my head with on hand and was enjoying me biting his nipples. He also had his other hand with which he was kneading my boob.

I then got up and asked him also get up. We got up and I sat on the edge of the bed. I spread my legs and caught hold of his hand and drew him to my pussy. As he sat down on the floor, I pulled his head towards my pussy. I said ‘Ramesh, eat my pussy now.’ He looked at me and said ‘how do I do it?’

I said ‘first lick my pussy and then suck my lips below, then put your tongue inside my pussy. Can you do that?’ I said ‘yes’ and took out his tongue and started licking my puss. Then he parted my lips and began tonguing me. I started shouting ‘deeper, deeper
deeper.’ He dug his tongue deep and was playing with my pussy and I came. He licked my juices and said ‘bhabhi
it is nice
your taste is also so nice.’

I said ‘I will teach you everything I know, come.’ I stood up and bent down with my back towards him. I wanted him to fuck me like a dog. I told him ‘Come Ramesh, fuck me like a dog. Make me your bitch. Come.’ He said ‘how bhabhi?’ I said ‘come behind me and push you dick in my ass crack.’ He came behind and pushed his dick in between my ass crack. I reached out from below and caught his dick. I pulled him forward and guided his dick inside my pussy.

I said ‘now, push inside
and fuck me like your bitch.’ He said ‘yes I am your dog and you are my bitch bhabhi.’ And he began his thrusts. He held my waist and started pumping me slowly. I said ‘fuck me faster you dog
fuck faster
come on.’

He then began to increase his speed and was going like crazy saying ‘is this fast enough bhabhi
you bitch
you fucking bitch
you fucking bitch.’ He kept going on and on and suddenly he reduced his speed and began spanking my butt. He continued spanking me and though it was hurting me slightly I was enjoying this spanking.

I was wondering why I goaded him into increasing his speed. He was now uncontrollable and kept going like a mad dog. I realized that I had unleashed a mad dog inside him. He kept spanking and pumping me and he shot his load inside me.

I thought it was over but he turned me around and got me on the bed. He spread my legs and thrust his dick again inside me. He lifted my legs and held them high next to his chest and continued fucking me. I was completely enjoying this. He then split my legs wide open and began his thrusts again.

He was achieving deeper penetration now in this position and I loved it. He dug deep and kept hitting my vital points inside and I came in a torrent again and again. The release of my hot juices made him increase his speed and he again shot his load inside and this time let go. He rested on my boobs and I drew him for a kiss and we just slept like that for a long time. We slept like that till his dick slipped out.

Then we got up and brushed our teeth and had had our coffee together.

This relationship with my bhabhi continued till my marriage. That was eight years later. But I still maintain that she is my first love and we managed to catch up after almost 15 years and had a wonderful recap session. That is when she let out her side of the story.

She told me how she got initiated into cheating her husband by my mom and how post that she was so desperate that she seduced me into making me her sex partner.
There are many more of my stories with my bhabhi and I will tell only those ladies who are interested. Write to me at [email protected]… Waiting for your feedback.

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