Step Father Sin’s – Part I

ISS Admin 2011-02-19 Comments

Michele Madison did not find out until her honeymoon that her husband was a sexual sadist. She was shocked to find that her new husband enjoyed causing her pain just as much as he enjoyed causing her pleasure. This was tough enough for Michele to handle at first, but her confusion was compounded by the fact that she was beginning to like the pain. At first she thought that it was annoying that Bernard had to tie her up and whip her before he fucked her in one of her three, sex holes.

But now she knew that there was close association between the pleasure and pain she received, and that one sensation enhanced the other. She had to admit that Bernard made her come harder than any other man she had ever been with, not that she was an expert on the subject of men. But Michele had been around, and she had two teenage daughters to prove it. Michele – along with her daughters Mindy and Marlene – had moved in with Bernard Madison after the wedding, and were trying to make ago of it as a family.

It was a spring evening and the girls were out on dates, which meant Michele and Bernard had the house to them. Bernard was a successful businessman and owned a big house on top of a hill in the Upstate New York town of Caledonia. The girls had grown up ten miles down the road in Rushdale with their mother, and were annoyed because they were going to have to switch high schools the following fall. Mindy was seventeen and would be entering her senior year. She was relieved that they hadn’t made her finish up her junior year at Caledonia High School.

Marlene was ten months younger than her sister and was finishing up her sophomore year at Rushdale High. The weather in Caledonia was beginning to warm and the grass was beginning to turn green and start to grow. The leaves were returning to the trees, and everywhere men and women alike were getting hornier than hell. Michele was washing the dinner dishes and Bernard was sitting on the couch in the living room watching television.

He could feel his balls aching with desire, and he could feel his cock start to grow inside his trousers. “Woman!” Bernard called out from his sitting position. He never took his eyes away from the TV set. His jaw was set firmly and there was a burning in his dark brown eyes that looked about to emit a lasar beam. “Yes, dear,” Michele called back from the kitchen. There was a musical tone to her voice whenever she spoke. Many thought that Michele was singing her way through life.

In spite of the fact that she was thirty-five years old, Michele had lost none of her youthful beauty and charm. There were times when Bernard thought he was living with three teenage girls rather than only two. “I need sex!” Bernard called out. He was using his command voice, and Michele could tell he was impatient. “Just a second, sweetheart,” Michele said. “I’m just finishing up.” The woman was washing the last of the dishes and only had to dry them and put them away for her domestic chore to be complete.

“I need sex now!” Bernard screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice was deep โ€” like the growl of a bear who had just been woken involuntarily from his winter’s slumber. Indeed, Bernard often sounded more like an animal that a human being when he was sexually aroused. Michele knew that she would have to finish the dishes later. When Bernard hollered like that it meant that he wasn’t in the mood to take no for an answer. She quickly dried her hands on the apron tied around her waist and left the kitchen to be with, her man.

It was time for Michele to do her wifely duty. She didn’t mind. Bernard always made her come more times than she could count when he fucked her. Bernard looked at his wife and smiled appreciatively. He thought that she was one sexy cunt. The sexiest cunt he had ever pumped, that was for sure. The man had never buffed a pussy tighter and more comfortable than Michele’s โ€” and unlike his wife, he was an expert. He had been able to tell from the second he first laid eyes on her that she wanted to be his slave. But the cruel man had waited until he had the little gold ring around her finger to let her see his sadistic nature.

Keeping his brutality a secret, he figured, was itself sadistic. Michele had long black hair that fell full over her shoulders and down between her rather sharp shoulder blades. She stood five foot three and was built on a small frame so that she had never weighed more than one hundred pounds in her life. She had the face of an angel. She looked like a white-soul being who had never committed a sin. Her large eyes were dark brown and twinkled whenever she was happy โ€” which was most of the time.

She had a tiny turned up button nose that wiggled up and down like a bunny’s whenever she was particularly excited about something or other. Her mouth was not large, but her lips, were full and sensuous. Her lips were already moist, although Bernard rarely caught her licking them to make them wet. She had a pouting lower, lip that Bernard thought was fun to suck on, and always looked kissable, even if sex was the last thing on her mind. She held her lips parted frequently so that Bernard could see little saliva bubbles on her perfectly straight, pearly-white teeth.

Her tongue could stick far out of her mouth and was very soft and pink, an asset which Bernard had learned to use fully. She had an olive complexion and her skin was smooth and soft, in spite of her age. If she went to Hollywood, Bernard figured, she would be able to play the parts of high school girls. She would end up playing parts the age of her own daughters. In spite of Michele’s slim frame she had large breasts which were just as perky and firm as they were before she had Mindy, seventeen years before.

Those twin ripe melons rested high on her chest, and were so pert that the nipples pointed slightly upward. Although she usually did, Michele didn’t have to wear a bra, a fact that Bernard was proud of. When Michele became sexually aroused every time her man beckoned – her nipples grew large and got very hard. They would burn and tingle with a need to be caressed both gently and cruelly by Bernard’s hands and mouth. Her waist was still very slim and her tummy was flat.

She had put on a couple of inches around her hips – her buttocks were a bit fleshier than they once had been โ€” but Bernard only thought that this made her look womanly. As she removed her apron she could feel the blood rushing down her body to the delta between her thighs. Michele could feel both her inner and outer pussy lips start, to swell with the engorgement of her arousal. She could feel the glands inside her pussy begin to secrete their natural lubrication making her all wet and slippery.

The beautiful dark haired woman knew that it wouldn’t be long before she made a wet stain in the crotch of her panties. “Let’s go upstairs, big man,” Michele said with a sexy tilt to her head and cock to her hip. “Right,” Bernard said. He charged up the stairs three steps ahead of her. He felt like his cock was going to burst out of his underwear and his trousers. He could tell that his prick was going to snap out at attention in front of his loins the second it was released from its cloth prison.

Bernard was over twice as big as Michele, which made his brutishness even more appealing to the submissive woman. He stood a couple of inches over six feet and weighed well over two hundred pounds. This is not to say that he was obese. In fact the man did not have an ounce of fat on him anywhere. He had been working out three times a week for years to keep his body in perfect condition. His shoulders were broad and his neck was thick.

There were thick slabs of muscle across his chest and back. His face was ruggedly handsome, and he always looked like he needed a shave. His five o’clock shadow began thirty seconds after he finished shaving. His hair was very dark, almost black, and curly. He always looked un groomed. When, Michele had first met Bernard she had compulsively urged him to comb his hair. Now that she was his sex slave she knew better than to criticize her mate’s appearance in any way. Michele rarely wore any make-up at all. Her beauty was natural.

She wanted to do nothing to make herself look artificial. The dark haired woman’s sole concession to womanly vanity was the dark red nail polish she used to paint her fingernails and toenails. The small woman had always thought that Bernard had been constructed by God just for fucking purposes. In spite of the girth of his upper torso, his waist and hips were very slim – almost non-existent in comparison. His thighs were very thick again, and he had very large powerful hands and feet.

Michele had noticed long before that one of her husband’s thighs was bigger around than her waist. And then there was his cock. It still boggled her mind. She would never forget the first time she saw his dick. “Wโ€”Wโ€”What is that?” Michele had stammered nervously. “It’s my prick. What the fuck did you think it was?” “You aren’t going to stick that thing in me, are you?”That’s the way it’s got to be, cupcake. That’s the way it’s got to be!” Bernard said with a small chuckle.

It hurt the first couple of times he fucked her, but soon she found that her muscles adapted and she stretched to take him comfortably. It wasn’t until the woman’s honeymoon only the second honeymoon of her life โ€” that she found out what pain was all about, and how much she dug it! Bernard slammed the door shut behind him after entering the bedroom that some paint chips fell from the ceiling. Michele considered herself lucky that she had scooted past him into the room at the last second.

If she hadn’t she would have gotten the door right in the face. Michele was quick. She had good survival instinct and knew when Bernard was in the mood to do violent things. She would never have made it if she wasn’t quick. She certainly got enough practice at evasive tactics. “Strip!” Bernard screamed, placing his hands on his hips. He pressed his long strong fingers together and pointed them downward. “Yes, dear,” Michele replied subserviently, head bowed.

She kicked off her shoes and reached back to unzip the frilly housedress she had been wearing. She stepped out of the dress and removed her bra so Bernard could see how erect her nipples were. “I’m on fire for you,” she said. Bernard stood with his shoulders back and his chin tilted up. “I can feel my pussy getting all wet and slippery,” Michele said. Bernard bent slightly at the knees and stood with his slim yet powerful hips out in front of the rest of his body.

Michele reached down to hook her thumbs under the elastic at the top of her bikini panties. She shivered. Her panties were pink and Bernard could see that they had little red hearts all over them โ€” looking very cute. Bernard could also see that there was a big wet stain in the crotch of her panties made by her spilling cunt juice. His cock throbbed violently every time he thought about ramming his pole up her tight smooth snatch.

The woman had to wiggle her hips from side to side to get her panties over them. The wet material in the crotch had crawled up in between her swollen outer labia, making her pussy feel caught in a trap. Her cunt had felt like it was suffocating for a second. She sighed as she gave her pussy lips a chance to breathe. It felt wonderful as the wet cloth pulled out from between her hypersensitive, fully engorged labia. The second she removed her panties Bernard could pick up the scent of her hot pussy in his flaring nostrils.

His chest and belly were covered with a thick rug of fur, which made him look even more like an animal. Michele always had gone for men who looked like they might have a little ape in the bloodline. “Are you going to tie me up?” Michele asked.”Nah,” Bernard said gruffly, shaking his head. His hands went for his belt buckle. Michele shuddered. He pulled his belt out of all of his belt loops one at a time and folded the strap in half slowly. The belt was made of black leather and he held it by the buckle end in a tightly clenched right fist.

Bernard had his long strong fingers wrapped around the leather so fiercely that all of his knuckles turned white. He clenched his back teeth together so firmly that his jaw ached and the muscles at the sides of his ruggedly handsome face protruded. Bernard cupped his left palm and smacked it with the belt as hard as he could, making a loud sharp sound. It reminded Michele of a firecracker on the Fourth of July, or a car backfiring, or even a gunshot!

She winced when that sound rang through her ears because she knew it was the same sound the leather strap would make when it struck her ass. “Bend over the foot of the bed, woman!” Bernard commanded. She turned her back to him and moved her feet far apart on the bedroom floor. Keeping her knees straight she lifted her heels and supported her weight on her toes, which arched far back. The woman raked at the bedspread with her fingernails as she bent forward at the waist, offering her buttocks to her sex master’s abuse.

Her fingernails were long and were manicured carefully to be very close to the same length, and they all had a common roundness to their tips. Her fingers were long and thin. Bernard had a hard time looking at those fingers without imagining how they looked when they were caressing his humongous private parts. Her fingernails were always painted the color of blood. The man wasted no time in starting the brutal whipping smack! smack! smack! He whipped at her slightly parted ass cheeks as hard as he could, raising large red welts on the flesh.

She screamed. Her dark eyes filled with tears. Those tears spilled down her cheeks and along the sides of her nose. Just to be extra mean the sadistic man smacked her on the backs of her thighs a couple of times. Then he hit her on the backs of her knees, where he knew she was very sensitive and the pain would be particularly sharp. The man then tossed the belt away carelessly without bothering to see where it landed. Michele knew her spanking was through. The beautiful woman could tell that she was going to have some trouble sitting down for a couple of days.

But she didn’t think that she would have to carry a pillow around with her like she did sometimes. This time the man hadn’t even drawn any blood with the strap. She could tell he was in a cuddly mood. The truth of the matter was that he couldn’t stand having his clothes on anymore and was anxious to get nude. He ripped off his shirt, baring his chest, and tore his pants down so that his cock could come springing out like a horny jack-in-the-box. Michele turned to look at his cock and balls.

She didn’t think that the novelty would ever wear off his genitalia. He had by far the longest cock she had ever seen, and it was twice as thick as any other she had known. His prick was a full nine inches long as it stood out straight from his hips at a slightly upward angle. The entire length of his prick was bobbing up and down with his hominess, coming very close to slapping him in the rock-hard flat plain of his belly. If that contact had been made his cock head would have smacked him several inches above his bellybutton.

His balls felt very swollen. He would have sworn that his testicles had ballooned to twice their normal girth. His scrotal sack felt filled to the brim with hot semen and he could tell that he wouldn’t have to play hide the Salami with the cunt for long before he shot his creamy man come deep inside hem poontang. Michele could see that his cock was thickest at the head, although the shaft was only, slightly thinner. The huge glands had always reminded the beautiful woman of a purple edible mushroom, or perhaps a doorknob.

Sometimes the head of his cock became so engorged that it looked almost black. At those times the skin that covered that large cock head would stretch so thin it looked ready to tear. There were times when even Bernard thought the head of his cock would explode if another drop of hominess blood tried to pump inside. The man was having trouble keeping his hips still,ย  He could feel his heart pounding with anticipation. “Get on the bed,” he commanded, gesturing with the slightly crooked forefinger on his right hand.

Naturally, Michele obeyed and when she was on the bed she asked him, “Which hole do you want to fuck me in?””The cunt. At least the cunt first. I feel like I might have enough jam for a few fucks tonight,” he said.”The children won’t be home until late,” Michele said. There was a feline purr in her voice as she spoke.”Fuck the children,” Bernard said. He felt like spitting on the floor.”You would love to,” Michele said, realizing that she was getting very close to being slapped across the face.”You’re damn right it would,” Bernard said with a sadistic chuckle.

“What position would you like to fuck me in?” Michele asked.”Doggie-style. I want to take you from the rear,” he said.”Oh, Bernard! I love it when you fuck me like that,” she said. Her voice was cheerful and her eyes had cleared. There were still stains on her cheeks from the tears she had spilled while the man was whipping her ass raw only moments before. Michele rolled over on her belly and then moved to her hands and knees. She kept her head low and pushed her knees apart on the bed as far as she could get them, parting her, outer and inner cunt lips in this manner.

She clawed at the bedspread with her long red fingernails and straightened her elbows as she arched her back to lift her ass high. Bernard moved to a kneeling position behind her and grabbed the base of his prick in his right fist. He guided his cock head to her cunt gracefully. He could feel his prick throbbing against his palm. He rubbed his piss hole against her clit for a second. Then he lowered the head to the mouth of her fuck hole and began to push that humongous head between Michele’s suddenly stretched inner labia! to be continued. That is the story . Please mail me if you have any comments or suggestion for me on [email protected]

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