Embarking on Intimacy: My True Journey – Part 5

sensualscribe 2024-04-30 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Have you joined me on my previous journey? If not, I recommend starting from the beginning. Fully immerse yourself in this captivating tale of love, lust, and the pursuit of happiness. Explore the intoxicating world of forbidden pleasures as you embark on this unforgettable adventure with me.

Continued from previous.

As his fingers between my thighs, a tremor of anticipation rippled through me. His touch was gentle and doubtful, as if he were navigating unknown territory. With a soft up-and-down motion, he explored the space between them, my knees weakened.

“Hmm, yes,” I breathed, trying to control the pleasure that was building up deep inside me.

He smiled, his eyes moist with passion, “You like it, don’t you?”

I just nodded and watched his fingers move, my eyes glued wide open, as he continued his unhurried, fascinating ways.

With each stroke, I felt myself growing more and more desperate, my body arching towards his touch. Once he flattened his fingers and began to circle them, I had to let out a low, deep moan of satisfaction.

I melt under his caress, lost in the intoxicating sensation. But amidst the pleasure, I said something like this:

“Wait,” I manage to breathe, my voice barely audible, “I want to feel you, too, but I need to be on top.”

I see the understanding flicker in his eyes, his desire mirroring mine. With a silent nod, he releases his hold on me, allowing me to take charge. As I straddle him, knowing I’m shaping our intimacy to fit my desires.

With a steady hand, I guide his thick, pulsating cock into mine; I gasp, feeling the throbbing heat of his arousal against my skin. As the tip brushed against my entrance, I couldn’t help but gasp at the vertical size of him.

He was bigger than anyone I had ever been with, and his toughness filled me ultimately. His hands were on my hips, holding me.

With a slow, deliberate motion, I allowed him to enter me, inch by inch. I could feel every ridge and vein of him stretching me, filling me in a way I had never experienced before.

“Oh god,” I gasped as his thick cock pressed against my entrance, sending a delicious jolt of pleasure inside me.

“You feel so big, so good,” I moaned, my voice trembling with desire.

“You’re so beautiful like this,” he whispered.

I smiled, “I love being on top,” I admitted, my movements growing with confidence.

With each thrust, I felt myself growing wetter, my body responding instinctively to the simple rhythm of our lovemaking. It felt so rigid, so rigid, like a metal vibrating. Riding him up and down. With each thrust, I felt a surge of pleasure coursing through me.

He groaned softly, his fingers tightening their grip on my hips.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he confessed.

“Good,” I murmured. “I want you to lose yourself in me.”

I leaned down, capturing his eyes, my hands on his shoulder.

Our eyes met in a fiery gaze, locked in a passionate exchange that spoke volumes without words. With my hand on his shoulder, I steadied myself as I rode him, feeling the strength of his body beneath mine.

As our lips met in a tender kiss, our mouths melded together in a passionate embrace; I continued to ride him, my movements slow and deliberate. My hands on his face, my hip thrusting up and down. His hand is on my bum, guiding me with a gentle yet firm touch.

With each gentle rise and fall of my hips, I could feel him deep inside me, a perfect union of our bodies. His response was immediate, his hips lifting slightly for better contact.

As our lips parted from a passionate kiss, I swayed with the rhythm of his cock inside me, back to the full kneeling position. Looking into each other’s eyes, I sensed a special joy reflected in his gaze.

His eyes danced with mischief as he looked up at me, and I couldn’t help but play along.

“What’s on your mind?” I purred, a smirk tugging at my lips.

He chuckled, his hands tracing patterns on my neck. “Condom,” he whispered, his voice husky with desire.

My heart skipped a beat. How could I forget? Panic threatened to dampen the fire building inside me. I didn’t want to halt the moment, but I couldn’t take any risks.

I bit my lip, trying to think fast. “Oh, um, you know,” I trailed off, my mind racing for a solution.

His gaze softened, sensing my hesitation. “It’s okay,” he murmured, his fingers between my bosom. “We can just-”

“No,” I interrupted, a surge of determination flooding me. “Let’s not stop.”

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “But…”

I silenced him. “Just tell me,” I whispered, my heart pounding recklessly. “When you’re close.”

Understanding dawned in his eyes, mingled with awe and admiration.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice tinged with reverence.

I nodded, a defiant smile playing on my lips. “I’ve never been anything like this.”

“Don’t worry, I would say,” he said, his voice low and reassuring.

And with that, we surrendered ourselves to the intoxicating rhythm of passion, trusting each other entirely in the heat of the moment.

My hands held on the headboard of my cot for support, I inclined. With his cock pulsating inside me, I craved more, an unquenchable desire urging me to prolong our intimate connection.

Feeling a surge of pleasure coursing through me, I increased the speed. I rocked my hips back and forth, driving him deeper inside me with each thrust. I had a better angle as I was inclined, allowing for better and heightened sensations.

With a subtle movement, I adjusted my position, allowing my body to mould seamlessly against his as we continued our intimate dance.

His hands gripped my hips firmly. I could feel the heat of his breath against my skin. With each upward thrust, I felt his cock pressing against the most sensitive parts of me.

As I quickened the pace, his hands tightened their grip on my hips as his hands trailed down to caress my bum. I could feel the strength of his grip as he held me close, his fingers digging into my skin with a hunger that matched my own.

“Ah, yes,” I moan with pleasure, my voice filled with ecstasy.

“Come on,” he urges.

As waves of pleasure washed over me, I struggled to catch my breath. As I rocked my hips back and forth, the rhythm of our bodies synced perfectly. After some moments, by his actions, I thought he was about to reach climax.

As I felt the intensity building within him, I struggled to find my voice amidst the ecstasy.

“Are… are you…” I gasped, my words coming out in fragmented whispers, “Are you… done?”

Dark with desire, his eyes met mine, a tender smile gracing his lips.

“Not yet,” he breathed, his voice a velvet caress against my skin, “I want to savour every moment, every sensation with you.”

I was on the brink of climax, but I sensed that he hadn’t yet reached his peak. With a mischievous smile playing on my lips, I decided to take matters to another level.

His reaction is immediate, his grip on my hips tightening as I subtly shift my position.

“Oh, god,” he groans, his voice thick with desire, “that feels incredible.”

I smile, feeling a surge of satisfaction at my effect on him.

“You like that?” I tease. My voice is husky and needful.

He nods, his eyes dark with lust. “More than you know.”

I watch with satisfaction as his breath hitches, his eyes widening in response to the newfound intensity of our connection. His hands tighten around my bum, anchoring me to him as I move in a way that sets us both ablaze with desire.

With each movement, the bed begins to tremble beneath us. Despite the cool air from the AC, sweat beads on my skin. Nothing exists beyond the electric energy crackling between us, igniting a fire that threatens to consume us both.

With every thrust, I could feel the tension building, my inner muscles tightening around him, gripping him tightly as if unwilling to let go. With each movement, I could feel them clenching and releasing, drawing him deeper inside me with an irresistible pull.

As I continue to move, riding him with a rhythm that sets us both on fire, his praise only spurs me further.

“Yes,” he gasps, his voice ragged with need, “just like that. You’re driving me wild.”

“Ahh,” I moaned softly, feeling his cock pulsating deep inside me.

“Does it feel good?” I asked.

“It feels amazing,” he gasped.

I could feel my inner muscles responding eagerly, clenching around him with each thrust.

“Oh, yes,” his deep, guttural moan filled the air.

“Mmm, you like that?” I whispered a soft, breathy sigh.

With each thrust, his pleasure mounted, his urgent gasps filling the room.

“Ahh… don’t stop,” he pleaded, his breath catching in his throat.

“I won’t… just for you,” I promised my words, a whispered vow of devotion.

Our bodies moved as one, a dance of passion and desire.

“God, you feel so good,” he exclaimed.

“Yes, you too… so good,” I echoed, a declaration of my pleasure.

As our passion reached new heights, he couldn’t help but vocalize his pleasure.

“Oh… right there,” he moaned, his exhales filled with ecstasy.

“Like this?” I questioned, my moans seeking validation, my movements becoming more urgent in response to his approval.

With each moan and sigh, our connection deepened, our bodies moving in perfect synchrony.

“Yes… just like that,” he gasped, his approval evident in every breath.

“I’m here… with you,” I reassured him, my sighs a testament to the depth of my devotion.

With each movement, I grind against him, the muscles in his jaw clenched with the effort to hold back his release. I continue to move against him. His body trembles beneath mine; I am grinding him. We were moaning with pleasure.

“Mmm… ohh… yes,” I murmured.

“Ahh… uhh… don’t stop,” he groaned.

“Mmm… just… for you,” I whispered.

Our moans mingled, a chorus of desire filling the air with an intoxicating energy.

“Ohh… god… so… good.” he moaned.

“Yeah… like… this…” I gasped.

“Mmm… just… like… that…” he murmured.

Our moans grew louder and more urgent as they chased after the elusive climax that hovered just out of reach. As I kept moving, his breathing got faster, and he was really into it. I focus on making him feel amazing. He moans louder, showing he likes it a lot.

As he reaches the edge, his voice catches in a breathless plea, “Don’t stop, please.” I increase the tempo, feeling his arousal intensify beneath me.

“I’m close… I’m about to… you know…” he managed to gasp out, his voice thick with desire.

My heart raced at his words, and I made a split-second decision without hesitation. With a swift, spontaneous movement, I pulled myself up and away from him, disengaging from our intimate connection.

And as I pulled back, his release spilt over, cascading onto my face and hair in a warm, sticky cascade. I gasped in surprise, feeling the liquid coating my skin, dripping down my face and matting my hair.

For a moment, we both pause, caught in the aftermath of our passion, before laughter bubbles up between us. And as we lie there, tangled together in the aftermath.

“Mate, this is just unbelievable,” he exclaims, his voice full of astonishment and wonder.

“You… you were amazing,” he said.

A blush rises as I meet his gaze, feeling pride at his words.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, “But I enjoyed it more than you did,” I confess with a playful smirk, looking into his eyes as I feel excited.

He chuckles softly, his fingers tracing patterns on my skin. “Is that so?” he teases.

I nod, a mischievous glint in my eyes. “Absolutely,” I reply, feeling a surge of confidence.

He pulls me closer, his gaze intense yet tender.

“Well, then,” he murmurs, his breath warm against my ear, “I’ll just have to make sure I enjoy it even more next time.”

I playfully push him away, a grin spreading across my face as I tease,

“Oh, you think you can outdo me, do you?”

He chuckles, a sparkle in his eyes as he counters, “You bet I can. Challenge accepted.”

After that, I retreat to freshen up. When I return, I find him lying on the bed, still lost in the aftermath of our intimacy.

Wait for more action.

To be continued.

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